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I wish for my life to have meaning
For my life to carry on,
I want to live, to be immortal.

Not in life but when I'm gone.

I want the breeze of my life to live
Past a moment when I am still.

But my memory my heratige stands
The test of time even though I'm no
Longer here, I drift on the breeze
Of time where my actions live on.
Trix* sat in his comfy seat, his friends
All waiting for his words of as the race was
Set in the dust nebula Atria
Its dark in space only stars glitter.
But in the dust cloud it was like rainbows blossomed
A light show of the universal beauty.

Right my fluffiest friends its time to launch.
Rockets ignited and away they went,
Captain Trix was nibbling on a cucumber stick.
Then from no where the naughty  Cat Captain Frost
Bashed and knocked at their ship, and off the
Race course they fell. They tumbled into a pocket of
Darkest space. Captain its  dark  in here, the lights
Faded and all was dark. Trix could hear teeth chattering.

Be calm my friends, there is nothing scary in the shadows.
Take out your carrot coins, and nibble, chew,
And with that, once finger licked and all was chomped
All that was heard was trix voice, right can we all
See? yes captain carrot vison is a go.

They set a course out of this darkest place and
Out they popped into normal space, colours gleamed
As they saw they were in last place.
Rockets burst into action and they flew in
And out, weaving through the clouds
One pasted, two pasted, three pasted
Now they were in second place.

Who should be in first place naughty Captain Frost
He had a coat as white as snow. but that was
As far as his niceness did go. He was a naughty
Kitty and everyone did know.
Sir he is blocking our path, we cant get through
Ok secret decoy time fluffy friends.
Cats attention set adrift sir, and into space it wondered,
In sight of Captain Frosts view. Out came the holding
Claws, and the space wool did bobble and excitement
Was the pleasure of kitties day. While they entertained
Themselves, Captain Trix did glide on past.
Full speed ahead as they race past the finish line.
for the full version of what this is part of have a gander here :)*****-trained-detective-the-missing-toothy-peg/

I am life
Unwanted, Unplanned, Unexpected
Or perhaps
a failed expectation.

There are many major reason
Why oh Why
I was a mistake

But there is one important reason why I needed to be born?

“I deserved to live”

What is so wrong for me to have what you have?
To breathe what you breathe
To eat what you eat
To experience
life itself.

You may not care for me, but I am sure someone would.

I anticipate the future what is like to live
what is like to have my own choice
now a little too late.

You know maybe someday
There will come a time that mankind
will lose the ability to reproduce,
the signs is already there
you just don’t see it.

Often times man create its own demise.

I wish you just have let me live and then give me away,
That I would understand.

I wish I could be a test-tube baby
Perhaps that I would have a chance
Of entering this god given world.

All are too late now.

I am sheer whisper,
A pleading spirit who wants to be heard
I came out of nothing penned down
in someone’s emptied mind
written in this emptied paper he holds so dear.

I am nothing but just a smeared ink
in this white sheet
laying around
waiting to be understood.

I was uncertain weather to post it here or not, but Mother Teresa's speech on receiving the novel peace prize brought some tears to why I did wrote this.
my reasoning:
In conclusion to all of this stuff, I write not to open an issue, but to let the young ones and others to be aware of this issue. Life is a gift, and everyone deserves it.
the link below is the first post and all of my thoughts in the subject matter:
I'm so fond with my failures
that I tend to forget
the little good
things I
its time to
stop loving them
and let go

a reminder,
a quote
Sometimes the silence screams as well
Your silent screams for help,
just whispering pleads
are so deafening
Life is a huge prison,
My imagination endless as much as universe,
But you are unreachable still.
I was a day too short
and displace too far.
quote, 10words

dual meaning.
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