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I sit by the lake,
                                 on the lush green grass,
gently try to break
                                  my inner thoughts,
and silently assimilate
                                 chirping of birds,
rhythmic swaying of trees
                                 by the sweet breeze,
stare at the white cotton clouds
                                 spread on the chimerical blue
and try to soak the pure dew
                    till the morning remains new.
I love the morning sunshine in a pure blue sky after rains :) :)
My aim today
Is simply to
Make you smile
It's what I do
As you sit
Behind your desk
Take a moment
To digest
This little rhyme
It's sent with love
To wrap you up
Just like a glove
Your day's mundane
Your job's a bore
But soon you'll walk
Out of the door
Into the sun
Where lovers kiss
Under the trees
And you'll feel bliss
But if all else fails
I hope with grace
I've put a smile
Upon your face!

(C) Pixievic
I'm actually having a really bad few days!! So this is for me as well as you lot!! Smile & the world smiles back is my motto!!
Sometimes I wish I didn't feel
I wish my heart was made of stone
That I was immune to all this ****
Of being on my own
My world is full of cockwombles
Fuckwits & ***** trumpets
**** burglars & **** puddles
**** stains & **** nuggets!
And those are just the few
That I've had the joy of meeting
I'd like to dare the rest to meet
Somewhere - however fleeting
Stand up and be counted
You liars, cheats and cads
You wazzocks & jebends
I'll grab you by the ******
Because I've simply had enough
Of being treated like a tool
Of believing all the **** you spout
Like some poor pathetic fool
I cannot shake the feeling
That the stupidity I feel
Is down to the betrayal
Of all the lies that you conceal
So I'm giving up compassion
To empathy goodbye
And to trusting blindly what I'm told
Farewell & fuckety bye!

(C) Pixievic 2016
I may have been a little ******* when I wrote this .......!!
conquered cities 
reduced to dirt, then
sown with salt so nothing grows. ever. 
assaulted senses bring fevered dreams of
caeser's dying breath escaping when I exhale. 

fate breathes as well; 

a single, ragged, pep-o-mint tickle on my neck 
so I know she's there... 
just behind me. 

I'm finding it difficult 
to keep the salt from my wound- 
to keep the sea from my door- 
to keep the plank from my eye- 
to keep off the moors at night 
  when the moon is blind to my indiscretions.
Your kindness
a sunflower
whose many seeds
sustain the sparrow's
song of joy
and rest assured
do gorgeously
germinate in
thin-hulled souls
the soil is ripe
love yearns
to be reborn.
For certain people, loving kindness is as easy as breathing. Thank you for being such a one, paul SN.
shadow death
the spiraling

silent over
once vital beehive
shorn gray
paper thin

raw honey
in the merciless

the suffering
concentration-camp thin
jutting bone
slack skin

the boundless light
of a shield
wrought from

these golden
futile gestures
they are not
infinitesimal grains

with beaded sight
*do not avert
your eyes
(From October 20, 2015)

It  can happen anywhere, at anytime-
It isn't up to you

In the car,
listening to the radio-
Having dinner with friends,
or alone-

At a baseball game,
bottom of the ninth-
Score tied-two outs,
bases loaded

Youth re-visited

A certain sound, song, phrase,
the aroma of freshly baked bread

All unleashing a memory cell
Lying dormant -
Long forgotten-
"What made me think of that?"
you ask yourself

For a door had opened.....
"before your eyes"
and you stepped into........

"The Attic of Forgotten Things."

copyright:(Emended) richard riddle-October 20, 2015

Sometimes we forget...what our brain....has kept.
"I've got to lay off the coffee!!"
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