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If your heart devoid of dogmas rests upon your will alone
yours is life it stands to reason yet you're more than bones
if your soul holds all the answers seek no master let them go
yours is love and human longing so spirit you shall know
if your mind is set on helping it matters not what you believe
yours are hands with aim behind them allow them to achieve
and if your body holds the wisdom do not see yourself as vexed
yours is sleep in need of dreaming, dream this world before the next
straight  out of a can...

people seek

  the side of innocence-
             into thought
               darkness is no longer feared.

weakness ,
         resolved like rust,
on the chest
blood as its treasure:
all the world needs,
is a new ****.
after a cold January
darkness came
stunting many
early blooms
into March dormancy
when April sent showers
and May surprised
June laughed at all the
July danced in warm sunshine
and August brought the colors to
as September followed close in tow.
October chilled the hearth with breeze
November brought Thanksgiving,
And  all was born
in December.
She is the lady on the road.

She is a mother, a sister, a colleague, a bird, a lassie, a damsel.
She is the lady on the road.

She spreads love and enriches kindness in the society,
She is the crux of an organization, and the fundamental principles.
She is the lady on the road.

She twinkles with the stars and shimmers with the moon,
She scampers with her pets and hops like a frog,
She is not a nomad, but a faithful keeper.
She is the lady on the road.

She wears short skirts,
She wears tight tops,
She doesn't encourage the flirts,
She neither abominates the leering of cops.
She is the lady on the road.

She holds a honourable reputation,
She forms the base of ethical standards,
She buries the grudges and resolves the dissension,
She consolidates herself and maintains her fettle,
She is the epitome of cheerful disposition.
She is the lady on the road.

She ignores the catcalls,
She endures the torture and prevails her morale,
She is a monument unshakable, and a stone unbreakable,
She dumps her burdens and enlightens her destiny,
She protects her dignity and negotiates with denunciation,
She does no harm, but deals with it.
She is the lady on the road, ..the seventh wonder of the world.
The women of a country are the colors of your flag.
My joints have dislocated
Stretching out to find the truth
Finding empty bottles
Broken pencils from writing
and a whole lot of ghost poems  later

These times have left me with
Bones engraved by promises
Inscriptions I can't read
Dreams replayed on bad records
Grasping for relief of mind
i loved you quietly for years.
i didn't know i loved you or how much in fact that i was in love with you.
i should have guessed
when i started feeling dizzy when you would walk in a room.
or when my heart would skip a beat or two when you looked my way.
i should have guessed when i thought so hard for so long
about the moments our paths would cross.
and no matter how many times i told myself to look at you, to face you
my head bowed down at the second we would brush by each other
a habitual action of fear
of missing you and refusing to look at the face of lost love

now i see how much energy was put into holding myself back from loving you
and it makes sense as to why it was so difficult
i forced myself to look away from your speckled green eyes
i told myself not to love you, never to allow myself to love you.
Had I told the stars
What I felt for you,
They would fall
One by one
And follow me.
 Jan 2015 darling iridescence
Truth holds many faces, like how fractured mirror show multiplicity.
© Pax
I say this in a review in WC before:

“I believed that truth varies in the complexity of right and wrong depending on our beliefs, culture & tradition, principles and values. So knowing to find balance between all this, you’ll never get lost upon looking into yourself. Finding the courage and strength within – is acceptance and understanding everything of who you are.”
Awakened at midnight
by the sound of the water jar
cracking from the ice
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