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 Jan 2015 Darkness
He pretends not to love her
but every time he looks in the mirror
he sees everything he could've had with her

He pretends not to want her
but every time she says 'hi'
he whispers 'i miss you'
at his phone
but sends 'hey'

He pretends not to need her but hes slowly realizing the sweetness she brought to the air was the only thing he was ever willing to live for

He pretends not to remember her
but when he's crying in the shower,
his tears tell him otherwise

He pretends not to dream of her but when he wakes from night terrors and a sweaty brow, he realizes it's her absence haunting him

He pretends not to notice the flowers in his driveway that she planted
three years ago for his mother
and fights the urge to rip them from the ground

He pretends to shut her out but he knows he can never let her go without losing himself in the process
 Jan 2015 Darkness
 Jan 2015 Darkness
I'll never stop
              Loving her
                                   Drives me mad
 Jan 2015 Darkness
J M Surgent
The only thing holding me back
From this new year

Is you.
 Jan 2015 Darkness
Wondering how
you can fall in love,
with a stranger.

Head over heels,
and love
at first sight.

The problem
with falling in love
with a stranger,

they don't feel the same.
To them you
are just
a stranger,
a random person
they met one day
in december.

Falling into
one sided love,
with a stanger.
Stars are in the darkness
I never been baffled,
The beauty of darkness
Even as far as she stays

You're in the fog
Mist in the shadows,
Grows very agile into me
Though it could be lost within the darkness

Boat on the river
Wave's chest gravel
No matter how far away it is travelling
That only owned this world

Moon bows to this dim earth
Bees come back to the chest of flower
As you come back to me again,
Surrender to the love-
@Musfiq us shaleheen

ভালোবাসের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ
অন্ধকারের মধ্যে তারারা  
আমাকে হতাস করেনা
আধারের সুন্দর্য,
সে যতই দুরে থাকুক না

কুয়াশার মধ্যে তুমি
ছায়ার মধ্যে কুহেলিকা
আমায় অতি চঞ্চল করে,
যদিও সে মিলিয়ে যাই ওই আধারে

নদীর বুকে নৌকা
ঢেউ এর বুকে নুড়ি
সে যতই দুরে যাকনা কেন,
সেটা এই পৃথিবীর    

ফিকে পৃথিবীর কাছে চাদ নতজানু
ফুলের বুকে ওই মৌমাছি হারমানে
তুমি ফিরে  আসবে বারবার আমার কাছে,
আত্মসমর্পণ করবে এই ভালোবাসের কাছে
@মুসফিক উস সালেহীন
Surrender to Love/ভালোবাসের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ
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