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Darkness Apr 2016
Spring again
writing again
seeing you again
loving you again
fighting you again
leaving you again
missing you again
loving you again
writing you again
painting for you again
dancing again

you and me crying
but never leaving each other
Darkness Sep 2015
Under the coatstand
Many a things take place
A dream of kisses
The reality of fear
The end of day

Me kissing you
You kissing him

Jealousy in many forms
loyal friends
Fighting friends, still loyal

But most of the time
a lot of coats and jackets dangle
Till i pass by and make them  swirl
Darkness Sep 2015
She was like a soft dream on a dark night
An angel from april sent to lighten september
Darkness Apr 2015
he probably made your heart melt
so i talk to the trees more often lately

i walk and talk
stare and walk

(looking/walking/seeking, without a goal
strolling along, but on my very own

i , your warm body
there's a warm fireplace

becoming art
of your near grace

lighting my eyes
blinking, thinking
Long time ago, time to forget.
Darkness Mar 2015
thrill my heart tomorrow
gather moss yesterday

touch me tomorrow
leave me yesterday

have me this year
dream of me yester-year

soften my pillow tonight
Darkness Jan 2015
I stared a lot
At nothing
At eyes, wanting me
But their looks went unanswered
Why; i liked only you

I loved you, you didn't love me
I looked a lot, you didn't look back
So i stopped loving you

But the problem is
The eyes that wanted me before
Won't return my favor anymore
They whisper;
You're too late now.
Darkness Jan 2015
Now it's too late
i tend to wait
and look what you've done

All of my being
seems hazy
what now, is the purpose of my living?

The magic of my poems
fled with the breeze
you started,
walking by
the last poem about you
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