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Darkness Dec 2014
Nature, my motherly figure
Your trees, Your flowers
How they sing to me, gracefully
How they chant songs of night and
day, songs about yester-years and yesterdays.
All men and women; miracles. Even these words being miracles, at this very moment, as this moment is a miracle by itself.
Children, laughing gratefully, unaware of being alive, which is more worth than planets and sky's, for without life no planets and sky's would exist, nor would this poem.
So let me read books, listen to music, kiss my lover, swim the ocean, walk the woods, talk of life, look at stars and fly through the sky.
For I exist, mother, nature.
Darkness Dec 2014
O heart
Do not hurry

O mind
Live's a worry

Maybe in april you two may cling,
But not at this very moment.
You two, ever fighting.
Are you even aware of the person i love, i mean, you two made me love her true, didn't you?
Darkness Dec 2014
a girl
she's shy and unseen
often walks tired
but looks at you
weary blue eyes
like ***
laughing timidly
for mystical reasons
always beautiful
and easy going
but  hard to love
Darkness Dec 2014
across a giant black sea
full of insecurity
there lies a town
loved by many
but cherished by me

i often stare
at the beaming city lights
reflected by a giant black sea
keeping you, away from; me
leaving me, blushing sighs

if not a boat, if not a bird
is willing to  take me straight to eagerness
swimming will do
maybe dying too
maybe too

i love you
Darkness Nov 2014
i** need you tonight
under bright stars and dark sheets
clarinet plays
your heart stays
you brush my worries away
and for another hundred years i'm satisfied with my life
Darkness Oct 2014
all day through
i think about you
the chance of meeting you grows smaller
but my love for you grows taller
little one
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