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Darkness Sep 2014
violet lips
on violet lips

why would you like me (i
                                                                ­      line
                                                                ­             10 times  
                                                         ­                                   for  
                        ­                                                                 ­        you)

look at other boys, 10000000 times more loveable than me
10000000 times more likeable than me

but yeah me, i change lines 10 times for girls as magnificent as you
so one chance would be appreciated


violet lips
on violet lips
Strange mood = strange poetry
Darkness Sep 2014
i don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
but don't forget me, i will not forget you
i still hear your words;
the rhyme
i hear them
in the rhythm of the rain
crashing on my weak roof

but this afternoon was greatly great

although we didn't really really really like eachother

did we?

i really liked you

scrub  the wall of my self-pity

or maybe i'm just tired of

love (only need it from you you you
Darkness Sep 2014
influence by blue velvet hasnt fade away

                         as swiftly
thy ears sing (                    as landscapes were created by monet)
they belong to you as much as your lips do
or your eyes or your feet and toes and blue-colored nails
and may they all be forever touched
by my bare hands
Darkness Sep 2014
I am lost,
On a mountain passage
To love

I am dry,
In a yellow desert
Of lover kisses

I am wet,
In a dark steamy town
Ruled by rarities, like you

I am melancholic,
                                In a forest, big - no - immense as              (American
directed by autumn, dominated by orange green trees and leaves

I am rosy,
On a bird flying through
Breast-formed clouds

I am desperate,
in a sea of swimmers
full of hope

love know one thing
though i am
lost dry wet melancholic rosy desperate
my love for you is a big as

Darkness Sep 2014
i never dream of you
no one else has ever made more
experimental love than you
love more beautiful
- it  makes dreams look like little tiny fruit flies

so earlier this day the girl asked
        what i was dreaming about last night
i said; woman
        my dreaming starts at first daylight
for i know that this day will be one of many
         i'll spend with you, darling

(ironic me; lately i have been dreaming of I
having the chance to say this)
Darkness Sep 2014
i see you in every flower
you probably don't see me that way
but there is one certainty
i love you
and i hope that's enough for you and us two
Darkness Sep 2014
the moons of jupiter can be found in her eyes
they shine brightly

even the sun
blinks her eyes
in jealousy
the pensive green-eyed monster
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