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I wish it would
well rain harder
I wish that
the sky water would be salty
like my tears.
this way both could slide down my face unidentifiable
I wish the thunder was louder
just to help save me from my thoughts

I love how
well simply how
I'm walking to the beat,
crunching gravel to meet the sound
of my favorite song
even though it's no longer playing
I love that
the rain is blurring my vision
eventhough I couldn't see anyway
I love that with every step
I'm taking a shower
the rain provides me with good cleansing
I'm slowly scrubbing away every
remark, laugh, judge, scar and stain
and as my jeans, blouse, and shoes get wet,
I'm washing away some of this too
hidden deep within the seams

and yet some people wonder
why does she like the rain
It's not just rain
it's a friend
that I can talk to and actually leave with
a cleansed soul.
The timeless evening
with stars drooping down to see
you and your dignified strangeness
Life was blind, life was kind

You burnt my time, made it disappear
Recall how you looked, what silvery words you used
Enigmatic, glowing soul
 May 2017 Gage Klein
Magic hour
 May 2017 Gage Klein
Love forms in the spring
Just as flowers and plants bloom
The smell of spring, just as strong
The bushes and trees sway just as we do
Dancing under the moonlight
Like its meant to be
The cold air blowing against my back
Your warm voice tickling my ear
Telling me just how much you care
We dance and dance until magic hour arrives
Those short fifteen minutes of beautiful light
Just as the sun is rising, we head back home
Lying down with each other and sleeping the day away
Until magic hour comes tonight
And then, we shall dance again.
 May 2017 Gage Klein
There are empty coffee cups all over this room
Somehow, I only notice when you're gone.
It reminds me of you, my cup of coffee
You take yours black one sugar,
I get a white peppermint mocha
Sweet with just a hint of bitter
Kinda like me in a way.
You can always know a person by where they get their coffee,
We like the local places, if we have time.,
But when we don't, we're Starbucks fans.
You know all the best spots in town.
Not just for coffee, foe everything.
When you took me to that park on the hill,
On that freezing winter night, I almost cried.
Because I thought, no I knew,
I'm in love and I've never felt better!
And even though Portland is freezing,
I was warm, because I was with you.
 May 2017 Gage Klein
He pulled on his denim jacket and I fell in love
Patches covering it, each telling a story.
His long reddish brown hair just reaching the collar,
The curls of it flowing softly
Barely being contained by his, well my gray knit beanie.
Every time I see him, I fall in love all over again.
Today is no different, tomorrow will be the same.
 May 2017 Gage Klein
 May 2017 Gage Klein
i breathe
one breath at a time
each inhalation linked to the exhalation before it
yet every breath stands alone
there's something tenuous about it
this soft machine is on thin ice
devoured by time in innocent increments
like a moth nibbles away wool

my heart
little gorilla
wearing itself out
rubber glove with a hole in it
weird luck

my eyes are bright
solar blue ball lanterns

if you saw me
you would say
good bones
river of envy

yet all hinges
on a muscular rhythmic pulsating machine
like a determined jaw chewing
jumpy mouth

yet on the verge of betrayal
a glitch
karmic indecision  
in destinies wheel house
a red fist locus banging

ones immense sense of self
a vainglorious elaboration
built over a small pulsating muscle

dumb blood flesh knot drumming
scarlet tribe
throne of my very soul
great sovereign
old man in a crib
splitting open of its own accord  
a sudden rip from life
to a dead sea eternity
the final frontier

starless night

— The End —