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Enjoying my morning coffee
in the first moments of the day
while sharing my sleepy thoughts
with the birds early song.
And the symphony that plays
might be just for me
if I close my eyes
and imagine it to be.
The day is waking up with me
and the blue sky yawns and stretches wide above.
Such contentment there is
in making plans for a happy day
while looking for ways to make it so.
Nothing could be akin to this moment
such simple pleasures for my simple soul.
With the peak of spring in the month of May
In the early hours of a pleasantly sunlit day
Two kids sat cuddled on a swing
Feeling as though they were taking on wing

Swinging in the air, they began to sing
Their sweet lay breaking the silence with its ring
They kicked their legs in rising delight
And felt like thistledowns ever so light

Up and down on the swing was fun
They closed their eyes on being face to face with the sun
Felt the swish and sway of the buoyant air
And knew the light tug of breeze on their curly hair

As the air got caught in the frills of their frock
Their eyes gleamed bright in delightful spark
Imagining themselves to be astronauts in space,
An ebullient excitement lit up their face

From a raised angle, they saw the Earth in green folds lie
Watched the surrounding hills standing awfully high
Saw a small stream flowing as a slow moving train
With trees lined up on its banks in unbroken chain

Longingly I watched these children free of all worry and pain
Also their aerial feats, not tainted by any melancholy stain
How I miss these childhood days of innocent fun
As my hours, towards the sunset, quickly run
I envy little children and their care free days......! They leave me immensely nostalgic as I had a joyous childhood in a large happy family !
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
This mother of mine is a brilliant ray of light,
Who illuminates even the darkest night,
Who brightens every lonely face,
With a silent, sincere, and sweet embrace

This mother of mine can take the heat,
When she's faced with a problem, she doesn't skip a beat,
We may talk back and make a fuss,
But she still shows her love towards us

This mother of mine admires the trees that grow tall,
She likes how they waver, but never fall,
They wave back and forth and emanate peace,
And show her that God's love for us will never cease

This mother of mine is the strongest woman of all,
For my life without her would surely crumble and fall,
She has taught me how to pick myself off the ground,
I am truly grateful to have my mother around.
Thank you for being my best friend Mom
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
There's just one you for me,
There's just one me for you,
Hold on tight,
We'll see this through and through
Lone leatherback cruises up from the deep, pausing on the fragile reef

to feast ancient eyes upon the show, a bright parade laid out below

butterfly couples paired for life, graceful angels in black and white stripe

brilliant clowns and their toxic lovers, a plodding gang of giant groupers

puffers bob like comic balloons, humble gobies on every menu

beaked parrotfish grinding the coral down, in the ears a constant sound

cowfish blowing puckered kisses, sea stars catching fishy wishes

white-tipped, hammerhead, tiger sharks, triggerfish mean bite worse than their bark

untamed unicorns too wild to ride, dogfish snapping, biting alongside

coral trout color-shifting fools, attracting ladies in dull-hued schools

**** headed wrasse rumbling through, thick lips mumbling go get a room

sea horses nod in labyrinth caves, razor-toothed eels lying in wait

if tentacled embrace should be your fate, nudibranchs will light the way

to a place of bliss, none of this can exist, without the builders

coral and algae bewildered, the ways of man egotistical

rising ocean temperatures, carbon emissions, and el NiƱo

victim of abundant greed, say goodbye to the Great Barrier Reef

so massive is this magical place, one can see it from outer space

astronauts witness its demise, ninety-percent barren, bleached bone white.
Write a poem using haiku-like, seventeen syllable long lines.
We might be separated by miles of space
But everytime i close my eyes, i only see your face
Our time zones are different...the distance is vast
But i'm sure we'll make it through...for our love is meant to last
My room feels empty without you
But your aroma still lingers on
I can feel you all around me
It's like you were never gone
It's been two years
Just a few months more
I can't wait to hold you in my arms again
Without you my heart's been so sore
Be whatever you want to be
You achieving your dreams is all i want to see
I'll always support you in whatever you do
Just keep loving and supporting me too
Bridget was born on a flax mill farm,
Near the Cavan border, in Monaghan,
At Lough Egish on the Carrick Road,
The last child of the Sheridans.
The sluice still runs near the water wheel,
With thistles thriving on rusted steel.

Little's known of Nellie's early years;
Da died before she knew grieving tears,
They'd turn her eyes in later years.

She's eleven posing with her class,
This photo shows an Irish lass.
Her look is distant,
Her face is blurred,
But recognizable
In an instant.

She was schooled six years
To last a life,
Some math, the Irish,
To read and write.

Her Mammy grew ill,
She lost a leg,
And bit by bit,
By age sixteen,
Nellie buried her first dead.
Too young to be alone,
Sisters and brother had left the home.
The cloistered convent took her in,
She taught urchins and orphans
About God and Grace and sin.
There were no vows for Nellie then.

At nineteen she met a Creamery man,
Jim Lynch of the Cavan clan;
He delivered dairy from his lorry,
Married Nellie,
Relieved their worry.

War flared, men were few,
There was work in Coventry.
Ireland's thistles were left to bloom.

Nellie soon was Michael's Mammy,
Then Maura, Sheila and Kevin followed,
When war floundered to its end,
They shipped back to Monaghan,
And brought the mill to life again.

The thistles and weeds
That surrounded the mill,
Were scythed and scattered
By Daddy's zeal.
He built himself
A generator,
Providing power
To lights and wheel.

Sean was born,
Gerald soon followed;
Then Michael died.
A nine year old,
His Daddy's angel.
Is this what turns
A father strange?

Francie arrived,
Then Eucheria,
But ten months later
Bold death took her.
Grief knows no borders
For brothers and sisters.

We left for Canada.

Mammy brought six kids along,
Leaving her dead behind,
Buried with Ireland.

Daddy was waiting for family,
Six months before Mammy got free
From death's inhumanity.
Her tears and griefs weren't yet over,
She birthed another son and daughter;
Jimmy and Marlene left us too,
Death is sure,
Death is cruel.

Grandchildren came, she was Granny,
Bridget, Nellie, but still our Mammy.
She lived this life eduring pain
That mothers bear,
Mothers sustain.
And yet, in times of personal strain,
I'll sometimes whisper her one name,
Repost, in tribute to my mother: Bridget Ellen Lynch (nee Sheridan).
January 20, 1920 - October 16, 1989. Mammy is a term used in Ireland for Mother.
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