For the first time in my life I'm writing to my friends. Or maybe it's for my friends.
Because I never thought things would end like this. I never thought things would even end.
They've been here for years and they'll be here for more, I thought.
But all that was lost when they saw my life as a battle to be fought.
I've never been good with spoken words but I've never been silent with my writings.
So I'm speaking and shouting and yelling about how I never knew things were ending.
Tell me things. Anything. Please. I'm so lost at what to do. Specially here and now that I don't have any one of you.
I know it's not good, you could say unhealthy, even. But I've grown so used to all of you, you were my safest haven.
But I know I lost it. And I know that you see it.
But help me out and tell me why you saw my friendship and decided to drop and leave it.
So this is my sorry. And my thank you. And my fare well.
I know you are all better without me but i won't be better without you, and I hope you can never tell.
January 13, 2017
This one's for my friends, or should I say ex friends.
I guess they were right when friends can break you heart too, cause the hurt will never ever s ends