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 Jul 2015 Cynthia May
My feelings swing in circles.

Given no reason,
at first meeting,
I hate everyone.

Given a reason,
and the right person,
I overcome the hate.

Given more reasons,
maybe, just maybe
I begin to love.

Then there's just one reason,
and it tears it all down.
I'm hurt.

Then another reason,
the blade is twisted.
I'm scarred.

Then a final reason,
I stop fighting.
I'm destroyed.

And I end where I began.
 Jul 2015 Cynthia May
I know he didn't leave bruises on your body,
But when I grazed my fingertips along your thigh
I felt him there
For a moment I watched his blackness bleed into your blue veins;
I couldn't stop it from poisoning your bloodstream
And transforming your perfect ivory skin into
His very own art piece,
Every brush stroke
Was drenched in a rich mauve
And you became his blank canvas.
Everybody says they'd like to be compared to the universe
But as I sat beside you
I watched the sky transform before me:
A bright blue,
With warm eyes and sun rays for smiles
A cotton candy pink,
One that reminds you of childhood and fairs
A golden orange
That makes the sky look as if heaven is pouring down on earth;
You we're burning your brightest
Until finally,
You began to fade into a soft periwinkle.
And from there the sky grew into a dark mauve
Leaving every witness speechless at the sight.
His purple dipped paintbrush covered your body;
You we're speechless.
But he didn't stop, his masterpiece wasn't complete-
So he drenched you in such a deep violet that you became black
And I watched the universe open up before me;
Beckoning me to come inside
Your darkness or your depth did not discourage me,
You became my favorite shade;
A never ending sunset,
A sky filled with promise and hope
Even after the darkest of nights
after me:
I am not
my past,
my mistakes
or my shame
or my sorrow
or my loneliness
or my preferences:*




all my
truths, and
secrets & stories,
their potential
and beauty.
We create our own unhappiness;
we can create happiness just as easily.
The unfortunate thing is that
we don't.
In pools as black as midnights gaze
I lost myself to fervent haze
a lady no, but through and through
ensnared was I in eyes of blue
she was fond of broken things
and I in search of words to sing
met her there upon the edge
of what is known and what is said
we as one to dance and play
at things that only grownups say
til time and life and all it seems
would overshadow childish dreams
I hope you ******* choke on all the words you spoke as lies
a sarcastic little joke too stuck on blowing smoke to act surprised
We ****.

I brushed her hair just
the other day
and left stinging
handprints on her
eager flesh like she

Loved her in an
undertow of
blankets and throes,
fullness and

until the drums
pounded in my
ears and
the adrenaline

On altars,
in tombs,
the sabbats,
esbats and

We slap
each other
     for fun;
     she listens
when I tell
her to

I'm sure you and
your mate do just

we **** better
than all of you
This poem is about ****** *******.
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