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My name last uttered by stoic soldier pines
they watched me devoured from under lines
my breath last coaxed by a lady all in white
of beauty she would boast and toast my sight
my head last held by a willingness to burn
eyes closed slightly I could not discern, the lessons
I held tightly from the ones I truly learned
Larvae burrow into the eyes of children but it's just part of his plan
if true hell is reserved for my kind where is it we now stand
divine beauty is cited while misery is conveniently excused
when making a case for your loving creator these words I choose
brother murders brother while both claim the blood of Abraham
yet the very worst of all his children is this thing that I am
a doubter, my questions unanswered and still I have many more
why should using god given reason be the thing he most abhors
the most vile part of this whole facade wrapped up in angel song
that mans limitless depravity, with god at his back is no longer wrong
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”
- Epicurus
The strong scent of the old gods still lingers here
they were many in the forests and the rivers clear
their spirits once held power we could not contain
now they're hardly more than shadows in mans domain
we conquered every corner in hopes we would thrive
though you see, without the wilds we can hardly survive
The words of broken hearted cherubs who've lost the want and will to live
fill these halls with sounds of sorrow, as if sad's the only song there is
If your heart devoid of dogmas rests upon your will alone
yours is life it stands to reason yet you're more than bones
if your soul holds all the answers seek no master let them go
yours is love and human longing so spirit you shall know
if your mind is set on helping it matters not what you believe
yours are hands with aim behind them allow them to achieve
and if your body holds the wisdom do not see yourself as vexed
yours is sleep in need of dreaming, dream this world before the next
Mistaking "unfortunate"
for "unnecessary"
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