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deeplyhollowed Oct 2020
Whatever you do,
I have so much respect for you.
This year may be a bit harder,
but you’re awesome for keeping it together.
It’s okay to get tired even with simple things.
Rest and then keep going.
Year 2020 is chaotic for everyone. Hope you become kinder to everyone you encounter.
deeplyhollowed Mar 2018
It takes a ginormous amount of self-respect to let go of the thing that keeps you from moving on.
Why hold on to something toxic?
deeplyhollowed Oct 2017
It all started when I first saw you play
You did nothing but sit there and strum your guitar
I just couldn’t shake you off my mind
You have everything I want, you know
I then found myself messaging you on fb
It was a bold move for me
And boy I was glad I did it
Coz I got a reply from you
You were friendly enough to answer some of my queries
And that’s just it
Our conversation ended

Now I am stalking you on your social media accounts
Hope you won’t freak out
Not that you care
But please stay still
I wish no harm
And I am content to watch you from afar
Coz I know I will just be a fan
To the guy who loves to play and sing. You have all I want but I will not go too far. I know where I stand. But I want to be your friend
deeplyhollowed Aug 2017
Goals, bucket lists, and dreams
Why do they seem to be out of my vocabulary?

A friend once told me,
"You know, you won't get to where you want to go if you will continue to go with the flow."
Great words, and it made me ponder for a while

I know I  have always been free-flowing
I just go where the current takes me
Can you blame me, though?
Coz' honestly, I don't know where to go

My decisions will raise some brows
For now, I just want to live the way  I want to live

Hope they will let me...
I am sick of people telling me what to do. I just want to live my life with my own pace.
deeplyhollowed Aug 2015
Seek no revenge
God will handle it

Forgive and forget
But don't let yourself be fooled again

Pray for those who curse you
Love those who hate you
These are just some of the many lessons I have learned in life.
deeplyhollowed Aug 2015
She is not the kindest person you'll ever know.
She speaks her thoughts without hesitation.
She can hurt someone without even knowing.
You may judge her based on that.
But I know that she is just a percentage of her.
How would I know that?
Because, I am "she".
I am she. For the love of pronouns! :D
deeplyhollowed Aug 2015
I took the risk
Let go some of my precious memories
To free some space for you
And now, I have you

I thought, you would be the same like the previous ones
But I'm wrong
I am loving you..

*It may have taken forever,
But you are definitely worth the wait.
I am loving the new Windows 10. I love their Microsoft Edge.
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