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 Aug 2020 Colm
Kayla universe
 Aug 2020 Colm
Kayla universe
He was a monster, but he was my lover.

Funny,  I can’t tell the difference anymore.
This poem is about being in abusive or toxic relationships where your partner is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, however they still do terrible things. Leave a comment and enjoy❤️❤️
 Aug 2020 Colm
Carmen Jane
Dear God
 Aug 2020 Colm
Carmen Jane
Dear God, it's been awhile
Since we had a real talk
You want me on this Earth
To raise my girls,to keep them safe
To teach them right
To always fight for justice
Yet I feel I should do more
But I'm lost, please tell me more
Dear God, sometimes I pain
Yet I really don't want to complain
I found it hard to keep track
Of all my wishes, they just stack
As there's no time to go fulfill them
I feel you keep me in one place
Perhaps you just forgot my face
Yet I know you didn't
You just test my patience
Dear God, I'll try
I'll try to see what's there for me
I guess I have to figure it out
Yet sometimes it's so blurry
Dear God, I am grateful
My little family is delightful
Please keep them safe
Forget I mentioned myself
In the end, I'll see through the day.
Dear God, thank you for the words
I can stretch them, rearrange them
They are a wonderful world.
 Aug 2020 Colm
 Aug 2020 Colm
I’ve been fighting for myself lately
If it were you it would drive you crazy
All of the battles I’ve voluntarily fought
Have saved you from becoming distraught
Death has a way of knocking you down
Mental health & hate being thrown around
I’ve kept my cool and gotten things done
Yet I stay strong and keep my head on
On this day, my journey has only begun
(But alas, my battle I have finally won)
By Anubis
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