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Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged ...
Ren   Member
And I'll get bored and feel trapped, cause that's what happens with me.
Lorraine day
Lorraine day   Member
Matthew Rodarte
Matthew Rodarte   Member
Lake Elsinore    Cinephile - A person with a passionate interest in cinema , Musicphile -A person who thoroughly enjoys listening to a wide selection of music, and ...
Jan Harak
Jan Harak   Member
Czech Republic    I am not even real.
Arcassin B
Arcassin B   Member
23/M/Palm Coast , FL    I'm a poet with dreams I'm 23 I'm also an artist --------------> lllllll ✌
blythe   Member
Jamie L Cantore
Jamie L Cantore   Member
The Land Of Flowing Hair    J.L. Cantore: Poet. Author of the minor epic poem Dristig Trekk, Poems Of Expression and The Art Of J. Lawrence Cantore
Mercury Chap
Mercury Chap   Member
Hidden behind the screen    Universe can't twist and turn but words can. Follow me on Instagram! @Mercury_Chap
vague rememberance
vague rememberance   Member
"Some people feel the rain others just get wet" ~ Bob Marley
Ellie Geneve
Ellie Geneve   Member
"It's poetry if it makes sense to you."
Unequivocally Poetic
Soumia   Member
23/F/Belgium    Just some chick bitching about her effed up life and stuff...
Kenshō   Member
M    Have you not learned yet that my words do not suffice? Thank you so much for viewing.
epictails   Member
Manila    words save me
Adam Kobosky
Adam Kobosky   Member
Somewhere lost in Ohio    I've been a poet for over 6 years now and not once did anyone tell me about this wonderful site! I really hope I receive ...
sunxset   Member
home    even when we're alive, we're not always living
Lambert Mark Mj
Lambert Mark Mj   Member
Philippines    "Sick Love drains the soul, Pure Love makes us whole"(>‿◠)✌
Jade Anne
Jade Anne   Member
Australia    im useless
Samantha Ellis
Samantha Ellis   Member
not important enough to have a bio
L T Winter
L T Winter   Member
M/United Kingdom    ... The Pessimist ... “I see now that the story isn’t about us; it’s about what it means to bother to know someone, which is ...
lloyd britton
lloyd britton   Member
Ricky Lacey
Ricky Lacey   Member
Los Angeles, California    Poems live within all of us. Simple words that can turn into complex pieces.
J   Member
L Adams
L Adams   Member
Jacksonville FL   
Hurt LockerFeed Birds
25/M/San Francisco    Hello! My name is sean I love writing, I write a lot. I hope you enjoy my work! feel free to comment or criticize, or ...
Irate Watcher
Irate Watcher   Member
30/F/Denver    Maw, I wanna make pictures with words.
Jose Amezcua
Jose Amezcua   Member
Emma Howard   Member
20/Cisgender Female/Oklahoma, US    A young mother with a long story
Gracie anngow   Member
Lynne   Member
Inked Papers
Inked Papers   Member
void    ad astra per aspera Pure discretion
Razbliuto   Member
Now. Now is the time.
Davy   Member
22/M/The Netherlands    Don't judge a book by it's cover; you have to read the book first before you can properly judge it!
mystique   Member
universe    this is where truth meets pen. pen meets pain. pain meets paper.
The Noose
The Noose   Member
32/F/Standing on the gallows    Words are all I have. All original content ©2013-2024 The Noose
Christian Vaughn Imhof
Pittsburgh    Everything is a work in progress To define the beautiful is to misunderstand it. - Fernando Pessoa

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