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 Oct 2016
Sam Temple

attempting   to

                            abandon ego

forever on the           patio

my         nudityquakes

storm clouds
                                       pressurize     /
 Oct 2016
Emily B
We talk about roots
And I have some concept
Spent my summer
Digging up plants
And moving them
To other places.

I was the self-proclaimed
Smiling Creator

But my heart
Is at home
In the hills

I can breathe here
And it has always
Been so

Is in my bones

The sound the hawk makes
Is my blues
This is not that pome
 Sep 2016
I don't know what he was to others—
   fireworks, lemonade, ants crawling on a picnic blanket—
   but I always knew him at his worst.
He was sleep cycles shaped like carnival pretzels,
   days that bled together,
weeks that clumped like a rat king
   under floorboards in the beach house.
He spoke in clouds
   swollen with diluvian rain,
daggers of lightning
   cracking the river in half,
the language of a muggy body in sticky room
   staring out a window
at absolutely nothing.
   The sort of stuff that makes me think
he didn't know his own strength,
   most of the time.

As always, when he died this year
   he died by degrees,
bedridden in the hospice of September.
   I listened to his death rattle
 of rustling yellow leaves
   and watched the last of the fireflies
crawl from between his parted lips.
   When he went cold for good
I built a pyre out of his firewood bones.
   The ashes fell into the soil
like seeds in waiting, and I watched
   the moon grow so large that it stretched
the nighttime like candy licorice
   and made it longer than before.
My duty done, I turned to go.
   The smoke rose up to embrace the sky,
and at the time, I could have sworn
  that from the corner of my eye
I saw it curl around
   and wave at me.
version four point something.
 Sep 2016
He left the trail of kisses
down my neck and spine,
this was his farewell,
our last goodbye.

As he said "see you",
i said "come around",
but we both knew the feeling,
of  beeing  lost  and  found .
 Sep 2016
I placed a pebble upon your grave
A small unblemished stone
And stayed a while, my day to waive
So you were not alone

The yawning sun stretched heavenward
Blinking a weary eye
And rolling under a blanket cloud
That cloaked our world in a silver shroud
It crossed a mourning sky

And kneeling at your earth-made bed
White marble pillow for your head
I talked a while of that and this
And all things in-between,
To ease my burdened heart, remiss
For days you've never seen

In angst and anger at your loss
Oh how I'd gladly gladly toss
Your villain in a stream
And watch them flail and watch them choke
And take a stick and **** and poke
To hear that villain scream --
But only in a dream

Too young to fade, too late to save
Too small your marble stone
I placed a pebble upon your grave
And walked away, alone
 Sep 2016
Tonight the fog settles
on the water reflecting

a dark mood, and the moon
is genuflecting to the blues

resting one knee on the cold
silent sea taking off his hat

as if to say *May I rise now
and take my leave and leave

you be, for tomorrow will
surely be a brighter day?
 Sep 2016
Afrodita Nestor
A four-leaved clover
I found million years ago
When I pursued love
At the end of the world
Lies at the bottom of my drawer
Together with the ashes of a fairytale
I don’t need anymore
I have found peace for my soul
Faith for my mind
And a patch for my heart
Underneath the starry skies
I lie weightless
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
 Sep 2016
Here at the end
of the continent
everyday the same
sea and sky elemental
endless blue planes
interrupted only
by a wayward bird
a flash of white
like a gull
lost out in the null
as September wanes
into Autumn's moon
breaking like a spell
casting my shadow
like a sundial
measuring my footprints
away and alone
on these wind(s)wept
bare lonely dunes.
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