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 Jul 2021
Or **** me

******* **** me like my depression does
I'm already your ***** so what does it matter
Pass me off to your friends
What fun is it anyway unless you can share

Everything feels like a **** ****
You're lines are too rehearsed
My face is painted on so heavily
So heavy
My face literally falls to the floor
Though that's a win isn't it
You only keep me for my assets
Great ***
Bottoms up

**** me

**** my personality, it's ******* up anyway
**** with my head
Hands in my hair
Rip out fistfuls
Gag me
That way I can't ruin it with words
Or whatever

**** me

I can't see straight
I can't think straight
I can't breathe
I'm so far into the mattress
I wonder if it's kink is choking
I can't breathe
I think I'm crying
I don't how long we've been here
I can't breathe
I- everything is numb
I stopped noticing my pulse
I can't breathe
I could be dying
I'm probably dying
I can't breathe

At least one of us had a good time

******* for ******* me
This is a metaphor.
 Jul 2021
All is fair in love and war
Was full of it

Because how can something that burns so quickly and leaves charred corpses in it's wake be fair
How can something that uproots the lives of many while leaving the lives of those adjacent fine
It is wholly unfair fall victim merely for being in the wrong place or time

Battlefields consume souls
No matter their varied geography
The path is always the same
Destruction can not be avoided nor cheated
Like Sister Death, both lie in wait
Lurking and prowling to devour the unfortunate ones
Praying for fairness that doesn't exist
 Feb 2021
Watch me come and then you go...
Why I hoped I'll never know.
Your smirks were sick,
Like it was a game,
Like after your ****
I'd never be the same.

You knew I was desperate for someone to care.
Yet you'd please yourself and make me stare.
Why cradle rob and share dreams of ****?
Why lie to keep me, not letting me escape?
I guess I let myself be your toy,
And made you into mine.
I was already destroyed,
What were more fines?

My debts to pay were already so steep,
I guess I thought I deserved it, letting you leech.
I dared to dream though.
That was my mistake,
Ever wanting you
To be more than a snake.

You speak like the words are blood letting, you say I ruined you.
Well I'm sorry you sick **** that you didn't get to ruin me too.
This world makes us savage, doesn't it
 Feb 2021
Whisper to me without words
Give me an eternity in an instant
Show me a new galaxy in a glance
Dazzling constellations contained in your eyes
Like a nebula, exploding, expanding with each moment we share
Kaleidoscope colors
Glistening and changing at a pace that feels like fireworks
But looks like stars
Stare into my soul with those hazel-green eyes
For my husband. I miss you so infinitely that I do not have words to describe the emptiness that is where you belong.
 Feb 2020
Tricin Heer
They said that I would never play sports
They were wrong
They said that I would never accomplish great things
They were wrong
They said she would never love me back
….They were right
I wish they were wrong
 Nov 2019
I am wrapped in duck tape
And C4
Breathing feels dangerous
Or would be, if I could anymore
My eyes are trapped open
Though I wish desperately they would shut
I'm torn between panic
And not giving a ****
Moving even an inch
Is horrific enough
So I'm stopped by fear
That I'll blow everything
I'm getting married soon holy ****.
 Jul 2019
My left hand is heavier now
Though I feel light
I'm floating
Like I'm underwater
But free of pressure

I am dancing and swirling and soaring
In a sea of our own creation
I am blissfully at peace

We both exhausted ourselves to get here
And I wouldn't trade it for the world

The moment did arrive
And we remain frozen
Until the thaw long awaited, due at winter,
We are here

Nearly done waiting
Finally done searching

I've found my favorite constellation
Beautiful, it covers your bones
Only a few months and then I get a new last name
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