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 Jun 2015
Craig Harrison
It's so hard
waking up everyday
loved ones not knowing what to say.
It's so hard
when everyone is going about their day
when no one can tell you're crying inside.
It's so hard.

Sometimes you look at the clock and pray
sometimes you hope
that today will be the day
the day you don't wake up.
It's so hard
lying to everyone
lying to yourself
You know you need help
but you're scared
you fear what they will say.

It's so hard
going to sleep at night
hoping and wishing that tomorrow never comes
that you never wake up.
It's so hard
when no one knows how you feel
and those that do, can't help you.
Each day, each night
each minute, each hour
it's so hard.
 Jun 2015
Megan H
All those friendly people
The smiling people in your life

The ones who hold you
When you need it.

The ones who listen
In your silence.

The ones who understand
Your outbursts of anger

The ones who realize the meaning
Of your absence.

These are the people
You need in your life.

But don't forget,
Give it all back.
Be the same person they were to you
Behind every great person
There is a great shadow.
This shadow grows every moment.
Give back,
Give sunlight to their lives
As they have done for you.
Even those who seem like they have it all together usually don't. Bring sunlight into their lives as they have done for you.
 Apr 2015
SG Holter
Breeze on my skin.
Sun in my face.
Cradle of bliss;
Spring's own embrace.
 Feb 2015
Kamille Elizabeth
I never think much about the fact that I am black.
I know I am black.
Like I know I am a girl,
Like I know I am an American,
Like I know I am nineteen.
It is a fact; I am black.

I hate when people say I am not.
My parents are black.
Their parents are black.
We are black.
Look at my skin,
It's dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not be black?
I am black.

I hate when people say I don't 'act' black.
How does one act to be considered black?
How am I acting? How is it not black?
Look at my skin,
It's dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not act black?
I am black.

I hate when people say I speak like a white person.
A way of speaking is not exclusive to race.
I am not white.
I do not speak like a white person.
My words are coming out of my black mouth.
I speak properly,
The way my black parents raised me to.
Look at my skin,
Its dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not speak black?
I am black.

I HATE when people say I am a white person trapped in a black body.
I have NEVER heard anything more insulting.
I am NOT trapped.
This color is NOT a cell.
I wear it proudly.
Look at MY skin,
It is DARK and it is BEAUTIFUL!
How could I ever be trapped?
I am black.

I am in no way white,
Nor do I ever want to be.
I am black
And black is beautiful
I am black; that is never going to change.
 Jan 2015
Ghetto conceived at night, aborted by the morning sun. The cost of living is too high! Even mother nature can't afford to raise the morning sun...

Pay-day: where is father time when you need em? Perhaps he'll come home tonight drunk again! With some leftovers from BurgerKing. Braging and singing about his brandnew Italian shoes that are now hurting his feet...

Me: Its Friday night, I decided to go out again. And seek for warmth in the dark shadows of my neighborhood. Death(gun) is my only friend. He's the only one who keeps me warm and my stomach full everytime I BANG him!
 Dec 2014
Thomas Conlan

An idea for which I am a fool
As there is not one solid rule

Love is endless, love is blind
Inside yourself, you will find
Those who are sweet, those who are kind
Can all be equally entwined.
But our hearts are overly defined,
Made complicated by our mind.

Love cannot be captured,
just as the heart will not be fractured.
Love is free to see the world as it believes it should be.
Love is not ours to take, or to lay at mercy's sake.
Love is the reason why we lie awake,
smiling at the lives we make.
Should these bonds we build be shattered,
it is our worlds that break.

Love can move mountains.
It is the water in our fountains.
Love is anywhere you smile;
Found at every foot and mile.
Across the ocean, on every isle,
You will find love's gentle style.

Heart beating fast,
like a blast of sheer emotion,
you pray that it will last.
Cast out from reality,
you passed into a fantasy
of a world split into duality.
And although you love so much,
there is only one soul yours has touched.

And you can't stop thinking of her.

You will meet a girl who will change your world
and you will never love again.

She will change your perception,
and although you love the world,
she is your one exception.
She is your other half, another part of you.
She is your joy, your smile and laugh.
Her heart beats every time yours fleets.
Breath taken by the beauty of her soul
and for once in your life,
you feel that you are whole.
No longer is she fantasy,
and she is better than reality.
She becomes your everyday vitality
as she is fills your life with glee.

Not just one heart,
but two,
beating to synchronicity.
 Dec 2014
Cara Danielle
She parts like the sea
When she is underneath me;
These salty skin and heaving winds
Compare no depth to when she is with me.

She clings on to me like I do to her
Storm swept lovers longing for the coast
Of the joys of home and the warmth of summer;
When all this that I could remember:

My name on her lips.
Her eyes when I kiss
Her senselessly; her smile,
Her hands, the way her fingers dance
Against my skin;

I am bursting
With vibrant passion
When she finds me again.
The parting of the sea:
Where she parts and I breathe
Alone and never has been,
But she has always

always drowned me.
(inspired from a character driven work and a love that shouldn't have been the worst)
 Nov 2014
Danielle Shorr
I can't remember
If I told you I loved you
The first time we had ***
But knowing me,
I probably did
My fingernails digging into your back
Your face in my neck
I most likely whispered it into your ear
Said it softly but loud enough for you to hear
I said I love you
Like it could make you stay
Like it meant mutuality
Thinking that maybe the lack of space between us
Could hypnotize you into believing
That you loved me too
A part of me certain that the air particles
Could somehow sew us together
And that the inevitable reality
Lingering in the background
Could never detach us
Convinced myself
That we were an atom in pure form
Incapable of being split apart when we were this close together

Is not synonymous with feeling
I knew this to begin with
Love and lust
Like oil and water
Can be separated with ease
Television and movies
Trained me in the art of one night stands
But I never intended to have you for one night
I didn't wanted you for a week
I wanted you for the amount of time
Where we forget how long it's been
Memorizing every single one our limbs
Then ******* the demons out of each other
To rectify our sins
Making love until we have no recollection
Of who we were before we learned each other's bodies
We were nobody
Before the conquer of this foreign territory
I wanted to surrender
From the moment we touched
But making love is so similar to make believe
That it gets hard
To tell the difference sometimes

When I slept next to you on your couch
My back pressing into the ridged corners of the sharpness
It was not out of convenience
It was out of purpose
Believing that withstanding the ache
Would show you how much I cared
Forgetting that your heart
Belonged to someone with a different name
In different city
Yet every night you still called my body home
Coming back to it repeatedly
Like a drunken wanderer
I thought if you did enough times
You would never want to leave
I convinced myself
That letting you **** me
Was one step closer
To getting you to stay

Is not synonymous with permanence
We should have never done it to begin with
Knowing quite well you were here
With the intention of temporary
I talked myself into your skin
Thought if I wrapped myself in it
Deeply enough
You would do the same
To me
My body
Was nothing more than a grave yard
For you to hide your secrets in
No treasure,
No gold

I buried my love for you
Into the curve
Of your collarbone
I bet it would still be there
If you looked for it
But I know
You wont.

— The End —