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 Jan 2019
Kicking the leaves under the tree
As we laugh out loud with abandoned glee
I can smell the dirt as it fills my nose
And the falling leaves cover my toes
Listening as the forest creaks with dancing beech
And the Oak branches stretch up out of reach
Games played where we each take a turn
At seeking and hiding amongst the fern
The forest is our play pen, we visit each day
It’s the magic kingdom of fantasy
Where stories of our younger years
Can be brought to life without any fears
Knights can battle with shield and blade
And pixies are found in a hidden glade
Dragons fly and giants stomp around
Battles lost and won and kings are crowned
Then the day ends with a sunset dusted in gold
And we are brought back into realities cold
 Jan 2019
South by Southwest
Where do the bones lie
That made the dreams stand the test of time

Now the kisses fall empty
They are as cold as the stars on the frosted panes of memory

The days of many are so
The embraces of love are now so few
Where does the flesh of love
from the womb lie buried

The sun is my witness
The moon my judge
The comets my accusers
The stars my jury
How do I plea ?

Yes I was guilty of love
But do not punish me
My heart was weak
My soul tempted
I would do it all again

For every little love is precious to me

Every little calls out to me
 Jan 2019
Dandelion seed parachutes
Fly up to castles in the sky
Little child’s eyes open wide
Weightless little puffs float
Fearlessly holding all hopes
High, to castles in the clouds.
Pictured a little child blowing a dandelion to the wind...
 Jan 2019
“Desire was her name,
And she was the dirt
Road that everyone
Wanted to claim."

When I was just a little child
No one really wanted her you see
Me and the other kids would run
Down to where she led us to follow
Went on adventures with no cares
No traffic or horns, a jungle of trees
And living things, bridges, cows, and
Blackberries, bullfrogs, and a few
Beer bottles, the nearest house was
Not so near, and you would never hear
Neighbors hoot-and-holler out yonder
All was at peace, and we all desired
To follow her wherever she would lead
Until one day we weren’t the only ones
That desired her path, all has changed
Over time, and I no longer recognize
Her anymore, as the cars trample up
and down to create dust tornadoes
Speeding fast, more houses built up
Ancient trees by her side went away
Chopped down, now vacation homes
For the rich, but it’s not hard to see
Why she was desired so, who wouldn’t
Want her, so many go after what they
This is a continuation to the poem "The Sticks"...the story of a dirt road named "Desire."
 Jan 2019
James Floss
Bless me Padre for I have sinned
My last confession was 3 poems ago

Padre, I watch ****; food ****
Lamb shank in a garlic fennel sauce

Pig parts unknown wrapped in bacon
Tri-tip and tripe marinated in marrow

Padre, I eat my veggies
(caramelized broccoli florets in a Béarnaise sauce)

But **** that man Bourdain!
Again and again and again!

I find myself drawn to pork stewing
In decadent assorted sweet-meats

Padre, I need a chlorophyll cleanse
Please accept my humble supplication…

What? Three kale martinis and one cauliflower?
I repent! Let the cleanse begin!
 Jan 2019
When did the movie end?
     Curtains faded to credits
      Should have known better
               Than to watch movies
                                     In the dark.                

 Two souls anticipated,
       We kissed in between
              The lines and scenes
                 Your hands touched silk
                                           In my dream.

I’ve always wanted this,
           Climbed to the top
                            I gently bit
                             Your bottom lip
                                    Inhaled your kiss.

What happened here?  
The movie was missed.
What are you talking about?
You said come in close,
Let’s speak without words.
The rest is just
A movie scene,
Not rated G,
Turn out the light
And bring your I.D.
I've been working on this one for a little while. It was inspired by a movie night with a good friend, a movie night that took place with just words. Thank you for the inspiration. :)
 Jan 2019
It’s a quiet night in the sticks,
So hot and humid, shirts are drenched
And every movement leads to pure
heat exhaustion, sweat trickles down
foreheads and the fans just
Don’t cool when the air is filled
With heavy moisture and good ole’
Southern Sweet Tea can only do
So much to save your poor soul
And bless your heart and say your
Prayers and be sure to never swear
Dogs are barking louder than ever
As they chase a leaving pickup down
A dirt road named “Desire.”
Childhood memories of visiting my grandparents who lived in the sticks... I'm not sure why I decided to name the dirt road "Desire," it just felt right.
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