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My thoughts found in tears
let me lay with you this last time
let me put my face on your chest
and let me hear your heart beat
no matter what my mood
no matter what the day...

Let me lay, let me shed my tears
in your heart, in this losing battle
its hard not to call, to hear your mighty voice
its hard to turn away
my tears give way to fears
the joy seems to dissolve away....

My arms ache, just wanting to feel you
my lips are chapped needing your kisses
my body aches wanting and needing so much...

I find myself looking to the stars
out the simple window of pain
I curl up on my pillows and cry the night away...

So Please let me lay, just one more time
let me look at your wonderful face
let me search your wonderful heart
just don't walk away....

Debbie Brooks 2014
 Sep 2014
Layla Thurman
You tell me you love me
And maybe you do
But it's a sick kind of love
So sorry baby I'm through

I can't stand it any more
My heart and soul have broken
So I'll write these poems for you
No longer my feelings unspoken

Too bad you'll never read them
Even though they're just for you
So farewell and goodbye my love
My heart bids you adieu
 Sep 2014
Jennifer Weiss
I do not understand how we can be unaware.
I read it in this Biology text book,
on page one, it is right there

We're all just molecules and atoms,
How dare anyone think they matter,
More than the next collection of matter.
Just because they managed to gather,
all that wealth.
 Sep 2014
Mike Hauser
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
We have ignition
In the writing of poem after poem

How many times have I circled this galaxy
In search of new ideas
Putting a space age drain on me
Adding another one to the list

Far out ideas from far out on the edge
To the ones grounded back home
How many times have I shook the Etch A Sketch
Only to give the **** another turn

I've reach the peak of loneliness
As I stare out my portal of emptiness
A space age dream, a space age mess
And me light years away, from life no less

As the light on my fuel gauge blinks critical
I'm left with not a lot more to say
It's hard not to be anymore cynical
As the light burns out and this ship fades away
I'm feeling burnout these days...
Not saying I'm leaving, I just feel I need to regroup. See if I can find my way back home and land this ship...
 Sep 2014
John F McCullagh
My darling, sleep, and never wake.
though it may cause my heart to break,
The morphine drip is a kinder fate
than that which would befall you.

Swollen limbs, incessant pain,
The Doctors think just days remain.
When life is only life in name,
No joy remains before you.

So hold my hand in your tight grip
as when our youngest child was born.
I promise I won’t let it slip
Until it is no longer warm.

You gifted me with forty years.
In health and sickness, we were a team.
Now, at last, you are at peace,
Sleep my love, perchance, to dream
An old man at his wife's hospital bedside in her terminal days. A composite of observed experiences, not my personal experience.
 Sep 2014
Pluck the leaves off autumn trees
Float them down the river
Watch the currents carry their dance
Fall a few steps out of time
Feel the cool air shiver
You'll never have another chance

Oh if you live this life
At a constant speed
You'll miss all the sights
You were intended to see

Run your toes thru the morning dew
Whistle a tune with the morning birds
Chase the taste of sunshine on your skin
Get lost in yourself and become you again

Oh if you live this life
At a constant speed
You'll miss all the sights
You were intended to see

Fill your lungs with bonfire breeze
Realize you have all you need
A few cold brews
And friends to keep you company

Oh if you live this life
At a constant speed
You'll miss all the sights
You were intended to see

Sing along with the wolves
Howling at the moon
It will all be gone all too soon
Stare into the night
You're never far from a star
As long as you are
Who you are

Time is a construct of our mind
But too fast it passes us by
It seems we're only born to die
Laying memories on graves
We weren't ready to say goodbye

So don't live this life
At a constant speed
You'll miss all the sights
You were made to see

Oh if you live this life
At a constant speed
You'll miss all the sights
You were intended to see
 Sep 2014
A damsel, fair with braided hair,
Her beauty wild beyond compare,
Came bustling to the summer faire,
Her petticoats a-flowing;

She settled there, upon a chair
And watched the young men stop and stare,
But none of them would dare to dare
To coax her with a-wooing;

In her despair, she gasped for air,
No one it seemed would know or care,
Her beauty hid a deep despair
That she was not a-showing

And unaware how to declare
The secrets that she dare not share,
The damsel left to who knows where,
And no one is a-knowing

How came a damsel quite so rare,
With beauty fair and braided hair,
Alone with no one's love to share,
Her petticoats a-flowing
First published 9th Sept 2014, 23:00 AEST.

— The End —