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 Mar 2015
Nat Lipstadt
I Am Not Yours
Sara Teasdale, 1884 - 1933

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love—put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.
And see this poem set to music...

I was fortunate enough to see the New World School of Arts High School Choir perform  it last night...the music led me to the poetry and Ms. Teasdale will make an appearance in my next poem...

On August 8, 1884, Sara Trevor Teasdale was born in St. Louis, Missouri, into an old, established, and devout family. She was home-schooled until she was nine and traveled frequently to Chicago, where she became part of the circle surrounding Poetry magazine and Harriet Monroe. Teasdale published Sonnets to Duse, and Other Poems, her first volume of verse, in 1907. Her second collection, Helen of Troy, and Other Poems, followed in 1911, and her third, Rivers to the Sea, in 1915.

In 1914 Teasdale married Ernst Filsinger; she had previously rejected a number of other suitors, including Vachel Lindsay. She moved with her new husband to New York City in 1916. In 1918, she won the Columbia University Poetry Society Prize (which became the Pulitzer Prize for poetry) and the Poetry Society of America Prize for Love Songs, which had appeared in 1917. She published three more volumes of poetry during her lifetime: Flame and Shadow (1920), Dark of the Moon (1926), and Stars To-night (1930). Teasdale’s work had always been characterized by its simplicity and clarity, her use of classical forms, and her passionate and romantic subject matter. These later books trace her growing finesse and poetic subtlety. She divorced in 1929 and lived the rest of her life as a semi-invalid. Weakened after a difficult bout with pneumonia, Teasdale committed suicide on January 29, 1933, with an overdose of barbiturates. Her final collection, Strange Victory appeared posthumously that same year.
 Mar 2015
No life has meaning

Search for meaning

Still no life

Seek life

Find the meaning
© Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald 3/19/15
 Mar 2015
it seems came her

adrift on mellow breezes
faintly scent o' strawberries

red dawn golden lashes  in rhythms
upon a meadow painted by
Emerson words and Van Gogh splashes

so lightly afoot
so not to spoil any of nature


 Mar 2015
Megan Grace
it took me so little time to learn
your syllables and cadences, to
memorize your  vowel sounds
and predict the next breath in
your  sentence  but  i  am
starting to forget and
it feels so good
feels so good
feels      so
I'm not scared to move on anymore, Ryan. Even you could not take away my will to keep going.
 Mar 2015
I would a day of hardness cry
I did a night of dark  to die
I could survive the holocaust
I would like to be a knight on horseback
I need the strength of Hercules
it seems
only to survive
in a mind of doubt and weakness
so I will dream again rebirth myself
a better man not of this earthly plan
make me anew with  strength of will enduring pain
find again the righteousness men deserve
seek again a ****** will a strength of naivette
look at the sunrise as a chance to change be what I knew
I could
 Mar 2015
there is so much night fallen under, in between, beside
the space is not enough to handle the burden of the living
the music refuse to surrender, grotesque
to givedeathsomethingtodo
each tiny thought fills the chamber of not-yet-thoughts
each idea splits into thousand others each minute
the mind is a rag, a broken doll watching this performance of power
l’elan vital
feelings ceaselessly running wild into each other,
crashing, colliding, stumbling blinded
calling their names
no redemption for light anywhere
crawling happens in all direction in the same time
until space it’s collapsing under its own weight
I slip through a dark visible hole attuned to the rhythm of hell
what an experience, the speed of blood refuses to freeze
terror is running to stand still
not enough connections
I practice some claws out of chaos
crammed with ******
the pain is unbearable all over
every inch is a battlefield
time has turned into the ghost of eternity
just a direction to flow, if only I could find
sing me a lullaby mama
so that I can make more space between my ears
lend me some grace
to ask death
to be gentle with me
only imagination breathes in
to steal some time alive
dreaming the touch of peacefulness
amid the stubbornness of heart

this is how I became an expert
in pigeon’s flight
while insisting somehow
to keep my eyes inside
this is how I got some courage
to bear Yes & No in the dark
to keep writing when I die in myself
for love to find
 Mar 2015
Christopher KD
Pursuing yet another parabolic
Crawl across the clear, blue, summer sky
The sun started its journey at the horizon.
Radiating—  Forcing its warm, orange, light
Through venetian blinds; the glowing celestial body
Painted her naked, flawless, skin
With stripes of contrasting light as she slept.

He watched her quietly as the shadows
Manifesting between each strip of light, inched
Across her skin in unison with the suns trajectory.
Ever so slightly opening her sleep-crusted eyes
She looked up at him, yawed gently, smiled and
Rolled over to position her body against his.

Her narrow, freckled face, rested easily
In the crevice between his arm and chest.
Letting out one more yawn, her emerald, green,
Eyes fell back behind their lashed curtains of flesh;
Dozing off into the next satisfying slumber.

The ceiling fan above clicked and waved erratically
But offered no relief from the hot, humid air.
Perspiring slightly, her skin remnant of morning dew.
In those last few minutes of direct, morning, light
Right before the sun left the scope of their window
He couldn't help but think that this was it.
This was love, and he was trapped.
 Mar 2015
The Jolteon
Secret armies
Secret prisons
Secret wars
Secret orders
Secret evidence
Secret motives
Secret plans
Secret killings

Tell the truth

Bombs over Baghdad
Bombs over families
Bombs over kids
Bombs over places you don't know

Tell the truth

Terrorize a nation
Terrorize a hemisphere
Terrorize the "other"
Terrorize the culture

Tell the truth

Weddings turned into massacres
New-born celebrations a war target
Citizens chosen for assassination
"The world is a battlefield"
"Joint Special Operations Command"

Inspired by book "***** Wars"
 Mar 2015
Mark The Vagabond
I often found you more addictive when i was poisioned from loneliness..
 Mar 2015
The Anonymous Joker
You teach me to think
With my own brains
Feel out my way
With my own feet
Treat me the same
As the boys

You put me in a school
Where they teach me to read
- oh, what a world!
They teach me to look
At international
- Marge Piercy,
Maya Angelou
And the like

You show me the crimson
Powder meant for foreheads
A deeper red for blood
Spilt on beds.
A life of compromise
And adjustment

Ripping out my ideas
And opinions
Telling me they're worthless
A baby, a house,
A life of adjustment
Is all this was meant for.

Tearing my beliefs
In an equal world
An equal society
Where society rises
To meet human morality

Is this what you taught me to read for?
Sorry sirs, ladies.
I tip my hat and bow.
Sorry to disappoint.
I was meant for an equal position
And I'll take it
- by force or mutual
 Mar 2015
Mike Hauser
Without so much as a thought
In what you have to say
What comes out of your Church Mouth
Seems to sound okay

Your loosely quoting of scripture
Not quite sure where it is at
But it's somewhere in the Bible
And of that you know as fact

As you smile with your Church Mouth
Is this really who you are
Cause what you squeeze between your teeth
Isn't always in your heart

It all but sounds so righteous
Gives impressions of a saint
But if you dig much deeper
That's something that you ain't

If all you knew you set to spew
Too soon you would be found
You can not always hide behind
What comes out of your Church Mouth
 Mar 2015
Nat Lipstadt
oft on bus seated next,
every one of your senses
adjusting, modulating,
to her unpredictable
solar flaring

you don't ever risk
that first missing
your entirety is
sun bursted
in unhappy joy of her
consuming presence


you laugh
years later
re the topic of
your first shaky
foot in the mouth
a classic misstep
first bow shot,
opening one liner

and each storied retelling  
is nature!s
snow and rain
the love of your
groundwater table
welling up


you love her scent
the silly hats she wears,
her short skirts arouse,
that last open button
a misstep invitation,
angry it incenses,
her every solitary everything is
pervading a daily
oxygen? starved soul


her umbrella is a wet
selfie stick
accidentally opening and dousing
an un random next door

just another unlucky misstep for
someone sitting next store,
oil on the fire of
happily ever after

two selfies are last seen as
un selfishly
toweling each other off and
with wet kisses


you eavesdrop on her
earbud music,
weep internally you do with
crazed jealously

The Temptations
are so unfairly
singing to her
"Ain't to Proud to Beg"
and neither are you

you heart is misstepping
to every beat,
your fingers
you idiot, not quietly enough
in the next seat

the first,
will not be
the last

smile exchanged


poem writing on the tablet,
amidst the groaning awful
no moving
city traffic

overheated bus
combustible with
winter snow dampness,
wet dog sweat smelling people clothes

all you want to do is get home
shower off
the daily dirt

the poetry writing pastime
is the place
where you put yourself
to better to pass over
your sour surroundings

her finger rattlesnakes,
misstepping over,
noisily invading,
the invisible boundary
constructed to hold up the
Keep Out sign
to momentary,
too neighborly

her red painted
pointer finger
smudge prints on your tablet,
accompanied with
bespoke words
"try this"

that smudge suggestion
won't come off

insisting on crediting
a shared authorship,
you ask for her
email and cell,
so you can share

co jointed tangled
bus and bed sheet first efforts
on writing, all about
what you play~argue
what should your entitled poem
be titled

you think

endless short love story bus poems

but she prefers,
with red fingers persuading

the first misstep is the best

both see the merit
in each other
I love this poem. I do.

Lyrics to "Ain't to Proud to Beg"

I know you wanna leave me,
but I refuse to let you go
If I have to beg and plead for your sympathy,
I don't mind coz' you mean that much to me

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, girl, don't you go

Now I heard a cryin' man,
is half a man with no sense of pride
But if I have to cry to keep you,
I don't mind weepin' if it'll keep you by my side

Ain't to proud to beg, sweet darlin
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go

If I have to sleep on your doorstep
all night and day just to keep you from walkin' away
let your friends laugh, even this I can stand
cause I want to keep you any way I can

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go

Now I've gotta love so deep in the pit of my heart
And each day it grows more and more
I'm not ashamed to come and plead to you baby
If pleadin' keeps you from walkin' out that door

Ain't too proud to beg, you know it sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Baby, baby, baby, baby (sweet darling)
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