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 Jun 2014
JR Potts
We joke sometimes
about falling in love,
we talk in deep detail
about our romance;
the kind of house we want,
the name of the family dog,
would we rather have boys or girls,
and we argue over who will stay home
to raise the kids, I always let you win.

We joke sometimes
about growing old together;
we talk about thinning hair,
wrinkling skin, tired eyes
and energized grand kids.
We promise to one another
that we will stay in love,
still hold hands, hug each other tightly
and kiss both daily and nightly

We joke sometimes
about a life we could be living
and I just want you to know
that I am not always kidding.
 May 2014
I will stop loving you,
when an apple fruit grows
on a mango tree,
on the 30th day
of February.
This quote, I hope it goes to everybody because I want everybody to have a peaceful life and a man/woman who appreciates the way you are and respects you for the great man/woman you are!
Have a nice day!
 May 2014
sara burns
If I were her and she were me,
perhaps nothing would be different
about that time the two of us met.
We would each assume with a touch of pity
that the other was adorably naive
in her opinion of you and her together.

If I were her and she were me,
she would find three strands of my hair tangled in your sheets
and her chest would sting with regret as she hashed and rehashed
every imagined detail that began to crystallize.

If I were her and she were me,
she would not be able to look at you for very long at all
without the consuming thought of
you looking at me (in an identical or different fashion)
bleeding in.

If I were her and she were me,
she would never touch the subject,
never approach it, never cross it;
instead, she would let her heart fill up with you anyway,
and I would be smart.
 May 2014
I don't love everything about you.

If I said I did, I would be dishonest.

I don't love the way you hold yourself too arrogantly sometimes

I don't love the way you can be too mean with your jokes,
even though you don't mean them seriously.

I don't love how your sense of humor gets too weird sometimes

I don't love how you just love talking about yourself

I don't love how you can seem so cold and how
you can so easily ignore me to the point of madness.

But I will tell you this.

I do love the way you flash your imperfect teeth into a warm smile
whenever you see me.

I do love your stupid laugh, because it makes me laugh even more
than the joke itself.

I do love the way you talk about your dreams and your views and the world.

I do love how you can surprise me with kindness and attention
when I least expect it.

And most of all, I love how you can make me feel everything
no one else ever could.

And that is why the reasons that I love you
are all so much more important than the reasons why I don't.
 May 2014
Sea Side Storm
Hope is a cool breeze on a blazing summer day.
Hope is the color wen everything turns gray.
Its the look in someone's eyes saying "it's ok"
Hope is the caring touch of a friend when you think your life is at an end.
When your stretched to your max and you think your going to crack.
In the darkness there's a light that will never waver from your site.
Only in the darkest times can you see the littlest light.
 May 2014
Samantha Bardwell
In health class,
they presented a visual that represented
one pound of fat, and I
can't escape the image because I have
the equivalent of 32.89
yellowish blocks in my messy girl-
body; 23% of my existence is
gelatinous and imperfect.

The magazines scream
acceptance, but the models are
size 2
and I want to make myself
bleed. "Boys love curves! Honey, your figure is
...but it isn't about boys in
high school or men on the streets with their
***** eyes and intent to corrupt. The
struggle is in how my hip-
bones sing at the prospect of
prominence even though I could find
sustenance in nothing but lettuce and
Red Bull Zero and I would still want
to swallow razor blades and
Ipecac until the basin fills
with blood and food that
smelled too powerful
to ignore and felt like sin when it
tumbled into my stomach acid.

My size eight body doesn't look like
I'm sick because I still have
full hips and everyone sees
me with something chocolate in my
hand, and girls who eat, girls with
cellulite are never
as troubled as the models whose
ribs look like bird cages that trap
their hummingbird hearts. I tell
my friends that I'm having a bad
day, which will pass, but I've been
having these "bad days" since I was
eight years old and I saw
that the thighs exposed by my
orange shorts were too wide
to be beautiful. I was size
0 when I was twelve, but every-
one else was still shopping in
the children's section.

They call it body dysmorphia and
talk about self-esteem because
is an ugly word that implies
ruined enamel, blistered lips, and
hospital gowns. Real girls let calories
nestle into their bodies because
bathrooms aren't glamorous,
and no one wants to kiss
a mouth that tastes like

My therapist's office is supposed
to feel safe, but all I want to
do is shatter the mirror and
slice my body open on the
frame's teeth. The spines of the books
on her wall remind me that other
girls have blood stained bras in
their closet, and jagged cliffs in
their minds, and maybe that should
help even though they aren't here
to hold my hair back or
stroke my arm until the earth-
quakes in my head slow down enough
that I can stand.

A boy who used to love me is
pulling away as though this
is a slow dance, and I'm
trying to hold too
tightly... My was
always an adventure film, but
the fight scenes have grown
repetitive and the special effects
have weakened with
time. No one knows when the
credits will roll, and that isn't
the kind of suspense he
wants when he has a girlfriend
and a future.
I am exhausting.

Shoelaces look like nooses when I
feel this alone because
I see escape in every-
This isn't an ideation, I
just want to

Disgusting globules of yellow
ugliness bulge under
v-necks that used to make me
feel desirable and maybe
even powerful. Now the only power
comes from hunger
pains and the dizziness
of an empty stomach.

Senior year, and my nights are
razor blades instead of
rolling papers, rivulets of
blood replacing shots of someone's
parents' whiskey. No one wants
to be friends with girls in
sweatshirts who don't know how
to eat; we're suicide
watch, even if we don't want
to die...
I stopped writing suicide
notes. I am

The doctors call it isolating
even though I know the humane
thing to do is separate parasite
and host, especially if
they loved me before I
needed salvation...
No one signs up to be a life
 May 2014
You told me not to shut down
When you left
Because I'd push my friends away
Sometimes I dont want friends anymore
I want silence
And closed doors
A safe harbour
Other people's feelings cloud my judgement
I can think up wonders
But not when in hiding
Hiding from them
I like shutting down
Shutting down is quiet
Shutting down is safe
because they can't get in
Shutting down is what I do
When I can't think my way out of things
Because of all the noise
The noise
The noise of other people
It's so
Please comment :)
 May 2014
Adam Carraway
Who am I?
And what can I be?
The potential I hold
Has the power to shape me

What can I do
With the time I've been given
To find all the answers
That this universe has kept hidden

Who am I
But a man searching for truth
To know the unknown
And see the unseen

Who am I
And what can I be
Than all that I am
All that I see

This universe is one with me
 May 2014
Jordan Clark
There's a place in the sea,
calling out to me.
It says "You're not as lonely
as you have to be.

And though you're on your own,
catching feelings that were never thrown,
look upon yourself and this will be known:
You have the purest heart beneath your bones.

So swim, swim out, and don't you dare stop.
Reach this island and climb to the top.
Here there are no worries of schools and shops;
just peace, serenity, and a nice clean drop."

"You threaten me with an end, but what for?"
"This is no end my friend, don't be a bore,
it's clear you've lost everything you adore,
but you've lost a battle and there's still a war.

So swim, swim out, and you'll find what you need.
Keep your hands open and I'll place in a seed.
Remember for what it is that you bleed,
and they'll follow you when you're ready to lead.

Because though you will be all alone,
catching feelings that were never thrown,
plant this here and it will be known,
you've found a castle all your own."

There's a place in the sea,
calling out to me,
where most men would drown
but I will be King.
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