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 May 2014
Here, take my bag of bones and burn them
Make me disappear
Without a trace
Of my existence
You won't miss me when I'm gone
Just admit it
I'm not wrong
Bury me alive
So I can live in darkness
Just for a little while
Until my lungs fill up with blackness
And my cuts are sealed with dirt
And all I'll see is darkness
No more living in hurt
And they say and do things
That slide off my shoulder
But day after day
Those things become boulders
That block my path
from moving forward
So I must break away
Run away
Stay away
And hopefully never return
 May 2014
Arizona Clearwater
Why do you cry
With rain as your tears
Is it because no one is near?

While you have infinity
To dwell on your supposed divinity
We dither and eventually wither
Or leave even faster, with an unexpected slither

So far away
With no one to play
It's no wonder you're sad
I'd be mad

To be left all alone
For all of time on the cosmic throne
Creating, destroying, smashing atoms together
Is it your way of making tethers?

To something more tangible
But these are also frangible
Eventually breaking apart
Like the Pillars of Creation, dying of a broken heart

Hit with a supernova, the Pillars fell
To be a nursery for baby stars, they were compelled
One cosmic child grew up and died
While committing matricide

Made from cloud-like collections of celestial gases
Stars are formed, and live, but some of the more massive
Explode, destroying, including the Pillars
Who died after having raised a killer

Don't cry
It's not your fault
To be trapped like you are, left in a vault

All of your immortality
Can be used to observe our fragility
We are paper in the storm
But you will be forever warm
But what good is warmth when you have no one to share it with?
 May 2014

There may be times when you contemplate & debate...
&fee;; as insignificant as a grain of sand in the middle of the desert
Know that to me, you have always been the speck of dust out of the million other that stood out and glisnted gold in the swirling sunlight
While the others merely hovered amidst the air as if they where lost.

When people expect and expect...and expect of you
Until you feel like a piece of blue-tac that has been used over and over and over again
Until your sweet stickiness is lost
Know that I would still love you even if to the world you seemed useless.And I would remind you that even tho sometimes I'm not always there to freshen up your day I shall never stop trying to be there 4 you even if I lose my mintyness too...
because a tic never abadndons a tac

Because you are the girl who I will never be able to truly serve justice by describing you by words.

You are the one who I tried to describe by using the word
& even after I broke it down...
Even then...
Just like a beautiful forever unknown
There's always an end part that I can never fully know..about you
But I guess that's what makes you a beautiful mystery.

The fact you're like a precious golden 'speck'
And a 'tac' that never stops breaking off pieces of yourself to help others even if it means you have less

'Ular' you are something 'ular' too...
I don't know what or what the 'ular' of you is...
But I'm sure whatever 'it' adds up to make you...
I couldn't sleep last night, and I was thinking of my best friend <3
I was thinking about blue tac
And delicious orange and mint tic-tac's
And how beautiful dust looks is when it floats in the sunlight
And I had to write it all down...
and it all blended together like puzzle pieces...
As ridiculous and nonsensical as my thoughts sound
It's all true...and this is dedicated to her...
My golden speck-orangey blue tacky-ular(=something wonderful<3)

— The End —