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 Oct 2017
Ami Shae
Sometimes it's almost frightening,
to come here and see
all the beautiful poems,
all the poets
who are so much better
than me...
I have so much admiration
so much awe
that sometimes I wonder
why I try to write at all,
but now and then
I'll come back here
and do my best to pen, to write
and hope I can overcome
my sense of fright...
oh my many of you are so amazing and so talented! I wish I were better at writing, at expressing how I feel inside, but all I can do is try, right? Thanks for the beauty of your writes...sorry I'm not around more... :(
An encouraging word
is moral-support,
which is felt,
as well as heard.

It makes all of the difference,
it helps one form perseverance
and build much needed resilience.

It may very well be
"that little push,"
which saves that person's day,
and it may very well be
a brightly coloured rainbow,
or a ray of sunshine,
which chases their dark clouds away.

It's an empathetic,
invisible, warm embrace,
it's a smile that says...
"You're not alone,"
which is warmly written
all over your face.

An encouraging word
is humble kindness,
which is most appreciated,
whilst it is being observed.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Aug 2017
"I've been searching for that light my whole life
Sparks of fire reigning through my frozen bones
When I got lost in the woods
That's when it melts every cold in my reign
It rained rays of light when we met
In the woods
That's where you've always been
By the tree waiting for me
And now,*
I'm home."

It's been so long. I miss writing and hopefully I'll write more every week. A lot has changed. Those who know me please do DM me and we can collaborate again.
 Aug 2017
David Lewis Paget
You wake on a bitter morning,
To find that your love is lost,
You turn your head to an empty bed
On the eve of Pentecost.
You reach on out to feel the warmth
That was there in the days of old,
But now, in that empty space you find
That the sheets and the bed are cold.

And then you remember the night before
And that terrible tête à tête,
When you both dug deep for the love you lost
But all you could feel was hate.
You’d always sworn you would make it up
Before you went off to bed,
That chance was lost, now you count the cost
As demons roam in your head.

You think that your partner must recall
All the love that you’ve made till now,
On searching your head, that love is dead,
So how to remember… How?
The eyes that used to adore you, now
Have narrowed down to slits,
The mouth turned down at the corners that
Would pout, as you kissed those lips.

Love is a short term happiness
That doesn’t transpire for long,
For love will frown as it’s beaten down
And comes to the end of the song.
You wait in vain by the open door
In hopes that it reappears,
But time moves on, and you know they’ve gone,
The end of the tale is tears.

David Lewis Paget
 Aug 2017
There's a ghost in the machine
A distant heartbeat
An echo
A recollection of tides pulled by the rhythm
Of the moon
A lunar cycle
Of leaves swirled
And now settled
By the whisper
Of the breeze
A message repeated
But not audibly heard
Remembered and understood.
You are in the right place
Where you need to be
All you need now
Is to breathe and be.
Thank you everyone for the likes and comments, my poem being chosen as the Daily has made my day!! :0)
 Aug 2017
Melissa S
If someone pulled me from the inside out
Would they still like what they see?
Such things I hide behind
Are not always with intent to deceive
Do I have an intriguing mind?
Or better yet...
Do I have a beautiful heart?
Shouldn't these be the most important parts
I wear masks to disguise the pain
Underneath a river of lies fall down like rain
Should this river of lies drown me?
Or does it just make me grow
a thicker shell for all to see
Inspired by a poem by patty m
Also inspired by comments from the Traveling man himself
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