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 Aug 2017
Ami Shae
Time hides from me anymore--
          I tried to invite it to stay
I've double locked the door
          so it won't get away--
but still, it eludes me
          and I keep wishing it would just come
and set me free...
           I'm beginning to feel
that time has no time
           for the likes of me.
Seems my time here is fewer and farther between...My life is in such chaos these days and I keep thinking I'll have time to come here to read, to write, but somehow time just keeps escaping my grasp! Someday I hope to spend more time here! Hope all of you are doing well and won't give up on me!
 Jul 2017
Caressing, laughing  
Cause you felt the stars
in her galaxy

Loving, smiling
Cause you felt your heart
twinkle with happiness

Lonely melodies
Cause you felt empty
without his touch

Sharing, posting
Cause you felt inclined
to open up

Crying, hating
Cause you felt your heart
broken into pieces

Doping, puffing
Cause you felt the urge
to numb your pain

Crawling, running
Cause you felt the need
to move  forward

Hoping, praying
Cause you felt God
Pulling you closer
This one is dedicated to the three most awesome women that inspire me with love, hope and kindness despite the craters life has to offer.

Patty M
Pamela Rae
Soul survivor
 Jun 2017
Ami Shae
Listen. Do you hear it yet?
The sound is golden
and so very true--
My heart has started beating again
all because of YOU. ❤️
A dear Friend found me again!
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