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 Aug 2015
the angel of
the strangest love
wraps her feathery wings around me

the danger of
the strangled dove
delicate wings surround me
 Aug 2015
Peter Cullen
Sitting in the high grass,
praying as the sky turns grey.
Waiting for the cargo,
nervous eyes upon the waves.
Everything invested,
every shilling,
every crown.
His heart
is in his salty mouth.
On the cliff
as he looks down.

His eyes look to the lighthouse.
It's beam
they follow
out to sea.
He holds her locket
in his hands,
prays again,
"just let it be."

But this time,
prayers aren't answered.
The whistling wind,
begins to rise.
He opens up the locket,
stares and cries
into her eyes.

Alas, it is all over now.
He knows
that he cannot return.
The ebb and flow
is angry,
and he wonders
will he ever learn?

The bodies on the rocks below,
signal the sad end.
As lights appear upon the shore,
his dreams start to descend.
Into the rain.
Into the gales,
that blow on Bantry Bay.
He throws the locket to the wind.
Once more now,
upon his way.
 Aug 2015
Sally A Bayan

The scent of pine came strong with the wind that morning
Blowing  above the countless small ripples that seemed to hurry
Traveling...uninterrupted...playing their game,
Unraveling floating tree branches,
Tangled in a mess, with cracked bamboo poles...

Red dragonflies, orange butterflies and green-breasted birds,
Over the clear blue water...
They knew they would be
So long as they kept a safe
Distance above the surface.

Water flowing was a soft, caressing music....
like a lullaby
playing, by the peaceful river,

The river...a vast dance floor, where serenity waltzed
Where leaves had fallen...carried further away
By the playful breeze...
and the nonstop current that ran deep,


Deep as the thoughts of a lone soul, treading the shore
Both hands in  pockets...taking time to walk
...lifting each foot from the crumbling sand
...while singing a song---

"Imagine there's no heaven's easy if you try... hell below us
...above us, only sky
Imagine all the people for today....hmm...."

...kicked a small twisted can
three---four steps, then kicked a used paper cup
seemed to be good at kicking
not concerned about hitting anybody
like it was common territory....

"Imagine there's no countries
it isn't ...hard to do
nothing to **** ....or... die for religion....too
imagine all the peo...ple"

Walking...and kicking...there appeared a rhythm
Humming...singing same lines over...and over
Seemed to enjoy the walking
The kicking, the singing
And the wading

"You may say i'm a dreamer
...but i'm not the only one
...hmmm...'ll join....
And the world...will one....

­The ripples rushed..........
..............down the waterfall
.....................and before long

....the river....
and the intruder

~~~~~the birds whistled
~~~the leaves rustled
~the wind whispered
They all sweetly sang
Like distant church bells
That softly rang.


Copyright July 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

 Aug 2015
vincent j kelly

Leprechauns with fairy dust will sneak into your dreams
so make a wish then go to sleep in the morning you'll believe
but a *** of gold you may not find by the morning light
cause life itself is the only gift you'll ever need to find
and by the midnight moon the Leprechauns you'll hear
they dance and sing upon your roof and drink their mugs of beer
they sing about Killarney - Donegal and County Cork
the treasures of old Ireland they protect for evermore
and if you catch a Leprechaun three wishes and no more
or Elves and Dwarfs and Unicorns will be knocking at your door

and an Irish man can drink alone but alone he'll never be
cause a pint of beer and all his dreams is all he'll ever need
for an Irish man can spin a tale of times long now forgot
paint his words in metaphors you decide what's true or not
and in the corner of the pub they're singing Danny Boy
sad songs the Irish like to sing but live a life of joy
and an Irish lass may smile at you with her emerald eyes
you'll swear to all the Saints above - ya think ya went and died
the Irish welcome one and all and they'll make you feel at home
but a part of you will never leave once you've kissed the Blarney Stone

                                       by vjkelly  (c) 2011
                               from the song SCATTERED IRISH THOUGHTS
wrote this for a song we were working on I have left out the chorus just left the verse....I tend to use off rhymes because of all the lyrics I write...they will sound better sometimes when you sing them.
 Jul 2015
Amber Blank
There is no shame or disgrace in exposing the deepest darkest corners of this spirit
In fact without the comradery of this family of artist surrounding our craft there would be no audience to appreciate the stylings of the soul.
Some may be timid and reserved, afraid of judgement
Lost in the image of perfection defined in another's eyes
Oh if only we as humanity were more approving and accepting of differences
We would have solutions to issues of the world
Cruelty would have no home here
We would all have the same dream of equality and love of thy neighbor.
It saddens this poet to see the pure evil displayed in this world
No matter what the cause or reasoning
Deep inside my prayer is for love
Love pure and strong
Love in the innocence of a child's heart
That can see no difference, that only can see love
Love like our creator has for us
Unconditional, unwavering
With each word I can give
I give all a piece of myself
Exposed and naked
I give it freely and in hopes that another can see and sympathize
or empathize or recognize a piece of themselves in my reflection.
Unable to stop, knowing if I ceased those thoughts and dreams
My being would also cease to exist
 Jul 2015
Dawn King
You opened your mouth, and the words came out
Came right out from the heart, in the heart
Of the desert, and your heart was a desert
Deserted arid, you alone, never alone, forever
Lonely, only because the words came out
Out there, where they were
They were deaf, and blind, blinded from
The blinders they wore, deafened at war
With lies, lying to you, you... lied to, mute
Mutated, saying nothing, with
Nothing talking, speaking nothing so
No thing is spoken, to you, broken because
You opened your mouth, and the words came out
This is an original work by Dawn King and must not be copied.
 Jul 2015
Steven Gosling
The sweetest sound that touch the ear,
can lift the soul and calm your fear.
A soft guitar or soulful scale,
the lilting song of nightingales.

A sad love song or baby’s cry,
can bring you joy or tear the eye.
The beat of drum, a shriek of glee,
or grand and stirring symphony.

But the sweetest sound that I can hear,
the one that sounds most true,
is when I say I love you,
and you say I love you too.
love sweetest sound
 Jul 2015
Jason Cole
who would smile on broken pride?
alas, you - none other that called my name
shame, your willful heart content

i came and went
i came and went

untroubled still by peace of mind?
by peace of dreams?
no peace is mine

as thus a guiltless crime would be
could never be! should never be!

who would smile on broken pride?
you that called my name the least
dare i say you called it last?
no other sound could be the same
shame, your willful heart content

i came and went
i came and went
 Jun 2015
Doy A
I am defenseless.
I am weak.
I am vulnerable.
I am sensitive.
I am thoughtful.
I am smart.
I am independent.
I am dependent.
I am headstrong.
I am naïve.
I am enough.
I am more than enough.
I am selfish.
I am proud.
I am giving.

I am a blank paper crumpled
and thrown away
and you picked me up
and said,
"You're beautiful.
I will never hurt you."

You are stubborn.
You are lazy.
You are strong.
You are smart.
You are crazy.
You are vibrant.
You are an adventure.
You are enough.
You are more than enough.
You are selfless.
You are humble.
You are simple.

*You are the crash after the high
I never thought you'd ever
Hurt me.
 Jun 2015
Let us write our stories
So that when the sands of our time
Get swept into the eternal sea
We shall remain in the hearts of men
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