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 Feb 2018
Jessie Schwartz
I WILL NOT CRY…by Jessie

I never seem to understand

The pain that fills the world

An endless supply of agony

From every boy and girl

The problem is I feel the pain

In everyone I touch

From the very core of every soul

There seems to be so much

And even though the pain I feel

Hurts me deep inside

I rather feel the pain of theirs

Because mine I always hide

I know the thoughts of everyone

Their secrets and their needs

I know my thoughts as well you see

Like wounds they always bleed

I cry at times

Though no one sees

For those that are in pain

But I will not cry for myself

There is nothing to be gained
 Jan 2018
Take me home to your peaceful place
No friend or lover bestows it like I know you will
No day breaks and washes calm and ease
Like the day the sun sets and I become whole
My chest bursts open and out my light runs free
Let my embers blow in the wind toward the coastline
Guiding my soul into the bright light where
The sunset wraps me in its rays and holds me close
And on a cloud with white wispy feet I'll float above into the sky
To fill the spaces I belong
The nooks and crannies of the universe a little more full
Of my love. Of his love. Of her love. Of our being.
Symphonies will pulse through the black sky
As the stars dance and twinkle
In this universal bliss that runs through space, an intergalactic river pouring into an ocean of light
Infinite love
And I know
I am home
I am
 Dec 2017
Prathipa Nair
Christ’s glaring birth in a
Holy exquisite manger to
Ring the arrival of godsend
In this grim world with a
Sacred peaceful smile and
Tender divine eyes in
Mother Mary’s pure hands
Arising like a graceful
S**hining star full of love!
I tried my best ... please forgive me friends if there is anything incorrect about Christmas and Jesus
Mutante que habitas
en mi cuerpo
que te ocultas
y que bebes de mi sangre.

Huésped de mi carne
autor de mis males
que me encierras
en la cueva
para ponerme a escribir.

Deja de llorarle a la luna
que ya no esta
deja que el cometa se vaya
otro ya vendrá.

Huésped temporal
poeta de alas negras
que provoca la nostalgia
como fuente de creatividad

Huésped que te arrastras
como cruz al corazón
deja amarte
deja que limpie tus alas
por que tu luz
también canta
y canta con chispa
cura y no amarga.

Yo se que tus alas
eran blancas
yo se que esas heridas
no las dejas cicatrizar

Huésped temporal
Abrete al mundo
como nardo en junio
Abrete al mundo
para iluminarlo
acogerlo en tus brazos
y aférrate al sentimiento.
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