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 Sep 2016
Autumn Rose
I had a
little rosebush.
Red roses it
would not
bear, but
and silver bells.
The King's daughter
one day to
see my
little rosebush.
Her dress was
made of
silk and lace,
golden was
her long hair.
She asked for
my white
pearls and
my silver bells.
I said
"For a fair princess
like you I
have never seen!
I shall give
you my white
pearls and
my silver bells!"
She made a
necklace from
white pearls and
put them
on her neck,
she sewed my
silver bells on
her silky
lace dress.
So they suited
her very well!
 Feb 2015
and bright knights*

the phoenix spread
her smouldering wings
the Sphinx dethroned
future kings

the Queen of Hearts
a heartless nag
Baba Yaga the stilted
house . the hag

brave Beowulf
dragged down to drown
the monster Grendel
by him was slain

Io was a cow despised
watched by a creature
with one hundred eyes

the lawn is made
a land of gnomes
mushrooms grow
in garden homes

where are
all these things indeed?
they are in books

just look and **read!!!
I'm very fortunate to have read
many fantasy books as a child

There is one I highly recommend
A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeliene L'Engle

Thanks to Joe Cole for the inspiration

 Jan 2015
A secret staircase to a secret chamber
Where broken hearts decay
Where dreamless sleepers pass through time
Beyond the light of day

Only the sacred mantra of a special angel
Can save a soul from night
But love cast down in a fit of jealousy
Can cause the dragon bite

So believe for me the fairy's wand
That sparkles as it swirls
And you and I forever after
In our blissful magic world
 Jan 2015
Annilda Esterhuysen
Dancing on leaves of flowers.
Swimming down water so clear.
Sleeping in cracks of an oak-tree.
Dreaming of things so dear.

Clutching hands as we jump off a mountain.
Getting lost in a maze of love.
Watch the display as we’re kissing.
Flying high on the wings of a dove.

Hide-and-go seek in the forest.
Whispers of words in secrecy.
This is the world I’ve imagined.
Our world of pure fantasy.

Chasing after blueberry fairies.
Wearing their wings on our backs.
Swooping through thistledown fields.
Making up for the things you lack.

Building sandcastles by the river.
Drinking dew from a redrose leaf.
Cuddling at a warm, cozy fire.
Creating memories in which to believe.

Eating white cream and strawberries.
Laughing at elves in a tree.
This is the world I’ve imagined.
My world of pure fantasy.
© Annilda Esterhuysen. All rights reserved.
 Dec 2014
Deep within an enchanted forest out pass a gypsy town, many strange beings are known to dwell beyond our sight and sound. Upon their horizon it’s as if time stands still; still time bends to no one’s will. Here sweet dreams spring forth from magical mushrooms and enchanted daffodils.

She was a pretty little fairy with beautiful large exaggerated eyes of blue, transparent wings and sparkles trailed behind her as she flew. She was but one of the many brilliant lights that roamed the hillsides late at night, yet merely a fussy glow in our human sight. Her name was Lilly: she was curious, witty and very much in her fairy prime; I apologize for speaking in riddles and rhymes but only the young at heart can see her and her kind.

Although this is a story about a fairy, technically it breaks the fairytale rules because unfortunately this story is true …

Lilly possessed a restless soul; she was tightly wound and always ready to go. Patience was her heart’s greatest foe. She loved to surf the summer breeze like a robin soaring free, past the hills and beyond the swamps filled with reeds just to see what she might see.

One day she flew a bit too far and as she would often do, she began to dilly-dally; little did she know she wandered smack-dab into Witches Valley. She didn’t notice anything out of the norm as the sun ducked behind the Silver-Lined Clouds of Truth; but for those who reside in this region such was the ritualistic passage of the end of youth.

Suddenly the shadow began to whisper and the wind began to blow; the weeping willows danced about and out of the shadows came forth two eyes aglow. To flight her spirit beckoned her yet her curiosity took its toll; something reached out and touched her with an embrace that quenched her restless soul. Waves of pleasure through her body flowed; she had never felt so alive or so comfortable in her own skin: with rosy cheeks and glassy eyes she bid the shadow “please touch me again.” That day she lost her way, trapped in this overwhelming perpetual thrill; far beyond the measure of magical mushrooms and enchanted daffodils. Things were set in motion and Lilly would never again be the same; time sped up on her horizon and here her destiny changed. When she flew sparkles no longer followed in her trail, and her very own people began to refer to her as the Nightingale.

At first it seemed Lilly had been awakened into a constant dream but then she began to miss her home, the majestic hills of gold and green. She longed for the sparkles that would trail behind her flight and her people who were now but fussy glowing lights.

Perhaps Lilly was bewitched by the shadow and his overwhelming touch, yet inadvertently time catches us in it’s clutch. Lilly slowly lost the magic of her youth and my eyes no longer glow. As for Lilly and I, she left me for a Leprechaun many years ago …
A little long for me.
 Oct 2014
Kelly Rose
She lives in
a Faery Tale World
Odd from conception
She never quite fit in
Flawed and damage
Her parents sought
Others more perfect than she
So she lost herself in Faery Tales
and tried to live her life
like a romance novel
Always knights,
Too many knights
And well maybe not so shiny
Dragons, Griffins, and Unicorns
Yes, these were always
part of her dreams
Now the years
have gone by
but still
Like Delta Dawn
She wears her faded rose
Looking for a love
Looking for an acceptance
that maybe,
that maybe...
Can only be found
in Faery Tales
and Romance novels
Always on the outside
Always looking in
Always wondering
Why or what it is
that is so unacceptable about her
Even she thinks she 's odd
Her head up in the clouds
Searching for something....
Making impossible demands
Living in her Faery Tale Land
Living on the outskirts of reality
She's an Echo,
A Shadow of something
not quite real
She just a Faery Tale Myth
Real, but not....
Sad to think I live in sandcastles in the air
 Sep 2014
Patricia Waldron
Harvest fires are burning
Upon the verdant hills
Pagans gather in Circles
Summoning their wills.

Leaves colored gaily
Spiral to the ground
Create a colorful carpet
As the Wheel turns round.

Smoke rises thickly
Drifts among the trees
Moon sails over head
Pleased by what she sees.

   Sprigs of oak and holly
Sheaves of corn and wheat
Signify abundance
Gathering time complete.

Hunting Lord is stalking
Deep wood, field, stream
Game harvest approaches
Stag are on the scene.

Departed pay a visit
Weaving plane to plane
Reminding that we, too
Will return again and again.
 Sep 2014
Andrew Kerklaan
~Incantations, magic and the like~
~The wizard casts his spell~
~Blackest nights and brightest days~
 ~A spell is cast~
~Now all has gone away~

~Never more a brighter day~


I wrote this as a tribute to my long standing friend Kyle. It's also posted on DeepUnderground but I seldom use the site any more...
 Aug 2014
I wake as your  friend                                     You wake as my lover
I speak as your lover                                       You speak as my friend
I act as your possession                                   You are my possesion
I rebel as your cover                                        A means to an end
I hurt for your compassion                             You live for my acceptance
I injure for your respect                                  Though it's never been withheld
I confide for your emotion                              You crave my direction
I give and you collect                                      Never will you rebel

This is madness                                               This is Sparta
This is insanity                                                This is the price of exellence
I can't be everything for you                          I am your everything
You can't be everything for me                     I am magnificence
You treat everyone the same                         I am fair and righteous
As a friend, yet as a lover                              And yet you seek more
And it's a cruel, cruel game                          Dare you grow capricious
From your twisted love, no one recovers     You'll become one I abhor

I am done                                                       You are confused
(I am never done)                                          And I will not calm you
I am sick                                                        As I am amused
(But I'm not tired)                                         As I drop little clues  
I will run                                                        You'l­l never leave me
(I won't run)                                                  But I'll abandon you
Because I love you                                        You'll always need me
(A better word is 'desire')                             And I'll never need you

Let me go!                                                    My grip is vice-like
(But you're not holding me)                       I'm not ready to let you go
Bring me back!                                            If I lose you, 'my dear'
(But I never left)                                          I must find yet another 'beau'
Love me only!                                             And I've not the time to put effort
(But you love equally)                               In little minions like you
Push me away!                                          I've not a care to give for
(Or bridge this rift)                                    You insects I never knew

Please, disappear                                       I am your torture
One day you'll understand                      But I am your salvation
That the twisted way you love                 I am your executioner
Could coax death from any human        And I am your redemption
Please, disappear!                                     You'll wish me dead forever
Though I'll weep when you're gone        You'll wish me dead I know
I know sanity will return                          And you'll wish yourself deader
And I'll eventually move on.                    *When away I finally go.
 Jun 2014
Brendan Thomas
Please don't judge me
By what I write

Somedays we're just
Wound up way too tight

As we sleep
We unwind slowly

We wake in the morning
Not feeling so lowly

There are always bad days

That's why there's tomorrow
 Jun 2014
There are times, when you want to cut-off from the world.
And there are times, when no one's around you to hold.

There are times, when you've a lot to say but words fall short.
And there are times, when you've nothing at all but you still have to talk.

There are times, when you're strong enough but too scared to fight.
And there are times, when you're weak but you do what's right.

There are times, when you feel like crying but tears don't fall off your eyes,
And there are times, when you're happy but can't laugh as a friend next to you cries.

There are times, when you don't want to reveal the secrets buried in your heart,
And there are times, when you want to share but nobody's close enough to be a part.

All I want to say is, I could have lived through all those times,
If you had just said, "I'm with you sweetheart, so everything's gonna be fine".
 Jun 2014
Brendan Thomas
Sometimes it's hard to remain held together
Pulled in multiple directions at once
Feeling undone

We try to fool ourselves
Everything's good
We soldier on

Wanting to be a better person
Knowing you never will be
Not as good as we'd like to be

But we keep

Or at least we
 Jun 2014
Brendan Thomas
I feel death lingering
And realize
My soul dies a little more
Each day

If my heart was still alive
It would pump more pain
Through my dead veins

Maybe it's better to be numb
Not feel anything
Dead inside
At least there's no more pain

Slowly slipping into a sleep
With no waking

Resting in peace
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