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 Jun 13
Sarah Mulqueen
I'm unsure what it is about these majestic creatures that first drew me in
From a young age I longed to be surrounded by them

I made friends with a neighbour
she tolerated my company well enough. That smell, molasses and grains barrels high. Her dusty old feed shed with hands just as grey

I made friends with a girl who was just as obsessed. We would play "horses" all recess. I would stay every weekend holidays too quizzing each other on horse facts we knew

I'm unsure how I still admire these creatures. I've been kicked. Though never bit.
I've been holding on for dear life while the horse gallops and kicks
Yet I'd get on a horse tomorrow and feel just as I did as a kid
 Jun 4
Desire Disgusts Even The Likes of Me

The moon, shrouded in a veil of clouds,
Cast a pallid glow upon the scene,
As they, haunted by their own yearnings,
Found themselves entangled in its embrace.

But lo, as the shadows lengthened,
And the air grew thick with unease,
They recoiled at the touch of desire,
For it was a foul and wretched thing.

It was a night of eerie whispers,
When desire, with its tainted allure,
Crept into the hearts of those
Who feared no sin, no darkness.

Even those who knew no fear
Were repelled by its twisted form,
And thus they turned away,
Leaving behind the stench of their own loathing.

See me as a man not as the monster you came to know
I’m not crazy just a little unwell
My mind is not for rent, but it sure the **** is for sale
Make me an offer
One I can’t refuse
My mind is for sale
Gently abused
It comes with bipolar, schizophrenia too
It’s got a history,
Forever Feeling blue
how many times can I google The words
Ways to tie a noose
You could say I'm suicidal
Crazy as glue
I’ve got so many problems
Come on
I’ll sale it to you
It comes with roommates
And some ****** up points of view
I’ve got issues and voices too
There telling me it’s over
I’m as worthless as poo
Absolute Mush
My mind is nothing but goo
I’ll sell it cheap
Sale it to you
.I’ll make you an offer
Throw in my dignity too
I lost my mind
It’s for sale
 May 15
Yes, here I am
In my 1955 model body
Sipping hot toddy
But on the inside nothing has changed
It’s all on the outside.

And there I go
Like the old man in a song
Shuffling along
Inside, nothing has changed
But, oh, the outside.

The years have passed
One on one
69 have gone
In the blink of an eye
But the changes you see, tell a lie.

SE      May 24
Does everyone of a certain age feel like this?
 Apr 15
Thomas W Case
If I could take this
moment and
own it,
hold it,
like a piece of paper,
I'd fold it
stow it away,
a pocket knife.

If you would be
my wife,
I'd be the
happiest guy in
the world.
You'd be my
and I'd be your man...
I would hold
your hand and kiss you,
and you'd never
miss me again.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
 Mar 28
Thomas W Case
I was thinking about your
breath before you brush your teeth,
I love it.
It reminds me of simple, beautiful things,
like, streams flowing gently over
moss-covered rocks, and puppies at
about three weeks old, right before
they open their eyes, the way they
wiggle around with their ears pasted
to their heads, blind to the world.
Soft plump bellies full of
Mother's milk.  But I think most
of all, it reminds me of home,
a home with love and laughter,
and books and plants.
Classical music and sunlight-bending
through half-open windows.
It warms hearts and hands and
hours and days, that slip
away far too soon.
It reminds me of feathers and flight,
and babies--clocks ticking, pages turning,
and life--hard, fast, short, beautiful life.
I wrote this about my girlfriend's breath first thing in the morning.
Check out my you tube channel where I read this poem, and others from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
 Feb 5
Thomas W Case
Beneath these
satin sheets,
my memory
flutters like
little birds on
indigo nights.

Folded wings
rest in my
mind's eye.
Fingers itch with
Delta of Venus,
orchids in bloom,
wet with the
sticky dew.

I grip my
and begin
a slow
It feels so
Check out my you tube channel, where I read my poetry.
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