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 Jun 2017
Feggyr Citack
-on a settled man's doubts

Go, young man, I said one night.
Go chase the fading height,
before it fades away forever.

Now the people over there
are just like us, you know:
at fading heights they stare.

But if your urge brings you there,
smash your bitter bottle against the pristine top.
By the **** of baptism let an old man know
how well you fare.

O yes, young man, please let me know
I did the right thing to remain
and send you out, so I could abstain
from capricious actions all my life.
Inspired by the Andalusian mountains, watching a valley changing colours all day. At sunset accompanied by a lovely wine from Spain ;-)
 May 2017
William Shakespeare
So, now I have confessed that he is thine,
And I my self am mortgaged to thy will,
Myself I’ll forfeit, so that other mine
Thou wilt restore to be my comfort still.
But thou wilt not, nor he will not be free,
For thou art covetous, and he is kind,
He learned but surety-like to write for me
Under that bond that him as fist doth bind.
The statute of thy beauty thou wilt take,
Thou usurer, that putt’st forth all to use,
And sue a friend, came debtor for my sake;
So him I lose through my unkind abuse.
    Him have I lost, thou hast both him and me;
    He pays the whole, and yet am I not free.
 May 2017
hazem al jaber
Be happy always ...

be happy sweet lady ...
may you meet some could fall for you ...
to give you the love that you need ...
the that you always waiting for ...
and need it so as your heart ...

So be always happy sweetheart ...
be happy sweet lady mine ...
may you could meet me today ...
to give me the happiness ...
the happiness that i need ...
as every happiness i got ...
whenever i see you ...
the happiness that never i got ...
only just when i see you ...

Be happy sweetheart ...
make me happy...
make me the happiest lover ...
as this great big world ...
to give you back ...
that which i hold inside ...
hold only for you ...

Sweetheart ...
wear the lovely smile ...
at your sweet cheeks ...
with a warm breathes ...
from your sweet heart ...
while your eyes bright ...
because you are going ...
to meet some one  ...
loves you so deep ...
deeper than you could think ...
special one ...
as you so special ...
beautiful sweet one
it's me ...

so be happy ...
you are always with me ...

Good morning sweetheart...

hazem al ..
 Apr 2017
hazem al jaber
Never ask me to leave ...

say whatever you need ..
call me crazy if you need ...
yell to me ..
beat me ...
even if you ask me to leave ...
i will never leave ...
do you know why ...
because you live inside me
running through me ...
staying all the night with me ...
so, ..
how could i leave you ..
never ever to do ...
however my heart ...
beats only within you ...

how could i do sweetheart ...
while you are ...
the letter to my words ...
all words to my all poems ...
the sweet feelings to my passion ...
and the air to my world ...
yes you are ...
my all world you are ...
the world which i love and adore ...
and to start my all mornings with ...
as you are always living into me ...
through my nights and even dreams ...
only with you my sweet angel ...

here i am ...
here with you ...
to start as every day ...
my morning with you ...

let's prepare our coffee ..
our sweet coffee ...
with no sugar ...
it's sweetness taste ...
from our lips ...
and it's blind ...
from our mouth's nectar ..

let's share our coffee now ...
it's ready ...
are you ready to share me...
sweetheart ...

hazem al ...
 Apr 2017
Jenny Gordon
Shake-speares sonnets back in the day...


Oh me!  I never knew sich weary hours a sense
Of being half sick owns, whilst naught does avail,
This fevered longing mine as clouds' thin veil
Shows fragile blue skies, and warm notes from hence
Akin to daffodils' gay yellows thence
Abob to vagrant winds, where ne exhale
But haunts like to a ghost in sheer betrayl,
Nor moves the baby leaves hung in suspense.
Pink mists frame naked boughs as buds now tour
Those blackened skeletons of trees I do
'Non cherish in their wanting state, rain fer
All that a moistened kiss mair fit to woo
Than ist Baroque strains I sip coffee's cure
To?  Andrew, I swear oh, how I love you.

 Apr 2017
My three daughters and I
Spot, Blue and sweet Timex,
live within the walls
of this Verona like  apartment,
Missy, the Black Lab who played nursemaid
to these three I believe, aided and abetted
sweet Timex's foray.
I, a Capulet, truly love my daughters
but easily fly into rages,
wishing a fair and providing man for them,
not the hell of the Montague clan,
namely bighead. Bighead roams the streets the alleys the back woods
no earnings or propriety,
no means to his unmatted fur,
his wild houls in the night, testament.
The nurse then, on a late night, asked to go out.
I tired, got complacent and out timex flied!
She returned a week later,
not the young kitten, playful,
but a Cat, with hunger in her eyes.
Spot and Blue, still are eager to discover the outsides,
Probably filled in on all that is there,
by Timex. And she no longer plays.
She even meows different now,
seems to meow
O Bighead, wherefore art thou Bighead!
 Apr 2017
Mike Adam
Don't look at me

I loved to you
Knew once

And yet sent
This saggy ***

Still do love for you i
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