Words, swelling from the bottom pit of your gut
Curling and swirling like the whispering tendrils of smoke from a doused forest fire
Rising to the chest, pawing through the black tunnel
Getting caught at the back of the throat
It was foolish
Red rising from the east
Red reaching outwards, displaying a gradient of hues
Red, orange, pink, yellow, white
White light casting over the vast lands, causing the surface of the oceans to shimmer like a field of diamonds,
Bouncing off skyscrapers, bringing life to the world
White light so mesmerizing I found myself staring
It was common sense to look no longer than a second or two
Yet, arrogance swelled in my chest
I had eyes only for the Sun
Too long I'd been staring
I hadn't notice when my eyes were hollowed out
As though you scooped them out with a spoon and swallowed them like pudding
Blind as a mole
Cowering under the cover of soil and dirt
Digging meandering underground mazes to trap and misguide any onlookers
Just a moment of lingering
Just a step closer to the edge
At the very end, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean
Watching the sunrise
*It was foolish