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 Mar 2017
Angela Okoduwa
A unique flower I had once,
Well watered and in the finest vase.
On the best window ledge it sat
Where the sun's smile was daily
Until it gradually refused to take in water anymore.
Nor flourish.

The air felt stale to it
Its glorious perch it grew to resent
Despite all efforts to nurture,
It chose to wilt.

I step out onto the porch
To the hill I walk
In my search for a flower willing to bloom.
A hand shading my eyes from the sun
I scan the plains ahead,
To the horizon if possible.

All the flowers looked the same
I wanted something different
But none appealed.
In dismay, I turned
And back to my cabin I went.

Now I sit with my elbows on the ledge
Staring at the transparent vase
With its lonely water
How long this vase will stay empty.
The flower represents "Love".
The vase represents "Relationship".
 Mar 2017
Angela Okoduwa
She tosses.
She turns.
Restlessness comes with perspiration.
A rather peculiar presence in the room.

The sheets creases more,
They turn damp from her sweat.
Fingers clench them in grips.
And an helpless moan from her lips.

A cold touch she felt on her shin
Eyes fly open.
Gasping and jumping awake.
There across the room was the problem.

The wraith shrouded in the darkness
Skull face as eerie as ever
Eyes like two burning orbs
His pasted sinister smile fixed on her.

With an outstretched hand,
He beckons with a skeletal finger-
It's time!
 Mar 2017
Brent Kincaid
The leaves first healthy and green
Reaching up to eternity
Then turning red, then gold and rust
And falling, translucent in their glory
Only their veins showing, organic lace;
The tree's honest history.
Only their slightly different shape
Remains a mystery,
Remembered by those who might've seen
As if in a fog, mistily
With just the few days of it's life
Lived blissfully.

These are the children, the ephemera
Of our trees
Giving, sharing, growing, expanding
Repeating generously
To populate our world with breath
Suffering death constantly
Being reborn silently to us;
Sentinels of majesty.

These are benefactors of life
For all of you and me
Casting themselves up from dirt
To our reality
Whether we believe it or know it.
They give voicelessly,
And that is what it means to be a tree
If you are leaves set free.
 Mar 2017
Marshal Gebbie
Anticipation hovers in the gentle light of dawn
With birdsong chorused to night
Where satin striates to prismatic effect
Radiating gold sunbeams alight.
A mirrored reflection from lake front to reed
Through tumbled refraction to trees
And cattle in pasture are lowing with joy
As green clover extends to the knees.
Autumn erupts with her jubilant song
And the colours turn russet and gold
As she flings her skirt with seductive allure
Letting feeling, now reeling, take hold.
Alive and wondrous, skip we two lovers,
In laneways of tangerine leaves
And the magic of moment overflows in a foment
Of happiness flung to the breeze.

Glorious moments of Autumn in the downs of Taranaki, New Zealand.
2 March 2017
When the moon hovers hallucinated
on the post canal
breaking in bubbles of fish breath
the white widow of the night
revives her long dead tongue
to lick the scales of your skin
pulling you into her bed of nails
making love with you the whole night
leaving you bruised and insatiate
when they find your shadow
scouring the edge of the canal
with her name on its lip.
A night out on a village road in December mist alone with the shadow plays havoc with imagination.
03.12.2016, 9 pm
 Mar 2017
SG Holter
One for sorrow, two for joy...
Black spots in waves over
Snow crusted
Fields and the jagged
Dark teeth of pine

Girl, boy, silver, gold.* I
I only know her well enough
To trace the place on my face
Where it last
Touched hers, with a
Pensive finger as

I gaze out at the
Winterness floating by.
Yes, I guess that feels like a
Smile. Eight for a wish, nine
For a kiss.

Something secret wonders if

It ever will want to be told,
And I hold the part of myself
That would rather soar than
Join feathers with another,
Tightly. I never seem to get my
Crows in a row.
 Mar 2017
I'll be Pinky
If you'll be The Brain
I'll be the yin,
If you'll be The Yang
You can be my Tylenol,
If I can be your pain
We can open up Pandoras Box,
Refusing to explain

You can be my sunshine,
If I can be your rain
You can be my therapist,
God knows, I'm insane
You can be my Moon,
If I can be your star
Together, we could be Mr. Petty,
In a **** fast car

You could be my ocean,
If I could be your sand
You could be the right,
And I'll be the left hand
You could be the silence,
I could be the scream
And you, could be my ice,
If I can be your cream~A
For Josh
The Devils popping the bubble wrap
Hail is bouncing off the front door steps
Blustery tree lines wrapped in sheets of lightning
blue , rivers forming at downspouts , thunder
growing louder
Cars come to a crawl
Peace and violence are poised to draw
Suddenly showers stall , a lull ensues
Quiet resumes , the night is rescued
The treefrogs strike a tune , the June bugs swoon
The timid moon looms , the insect musicians balloon
The oboes , the clarinets , the piccolos and the cellos
Sweet voices , the harps , the guitars and the pianos
A whippoorwill calls the orchestra to order ,
the thrushes , mockingbirds , the katydids , the cricket
chorus , the coyotes , the bobcats , the hoot owls and
the sprites
The jays , the cicadas  and the songsters of night
Goodbye Old Man Squall , may the creatures of the eve
now come to call , may the maidens of the forest render
ballads of rest , may the fledglings of the morrow lay
peacefully in their nest* ...
Copyright March 1 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2017
Fill it full
My cup of muse
My body grows tired
My heart confused

I'll raise a glass
To world peace
A couple more
For France And Greece

I'll raise a glass
For Human rights
A couple more
I'll be ready to fight

And now I'll write
From a brand new view
As I raise this glass
Of fermented muse...
Traveler Tim
 Mar 2017
i remember
that day, that moment
that changed
my everything

it was ordinary
in every aspect

bar one


like a lighthouse
showing me

the way home
to my safe harbour

I remember, that
with a gratitude
that guides my life

and causes me to smile

in a secret
self satisfied way...
 Mar 2017
I'm sure the stars creation
Held only a little of the feeling
We have
The stars no longer fleeting
We gave the stars their meaning
Here and now
Is everytime
And anytime is only what we make

And should those stars not shine tonight
Should they ever collide
Would they fall into black holes
Or simply collapse
We are
And all time is now

I'll be waiting for you
At the ends of time
And the edges of the universe

It once was darkness
Once was light
Its all your thoughts
Its always right
Its all gone wrong
In all ways right

And would those stars all shine tonight
Should they bring us light
Would a galaxy surround them
The stars that gave life
Give us music
And the song that plays forever

All time is now

I'll be waiting for you
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