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 May 2017
Lora Lee
The sky was a cornflower
and the trees heavy
                  with birdsong
air fragrant with freshness
cooling the silk of my bare
heat rising from my
skin in shades of
              morning pond
oasis of damp promise
teeming with life
           under surface
mini color-popped creatures
humming with
       fluorescent vitality
fronds reaching out
in an aquatic dance
nourishing the gateway
to inner organs  
with sweet
           vitamin love
as a trip of
           buzzing, faintly heard
opens into my brainwave
    cleaning out toxicity
pushing out
words that lower
bringing up subconscious
potions of power
harmonious with the new,
embryonic fluid of clear
                  reaching deep
into corners of
          brittle heartdust

And my lotus soul opens
            a small glowing orb
expanding in  polychrome prisms
                to the glory of
aurora-tipped streaks
           as straight into
my aching heart
       the quenching dawn
My thirst slaked by
nature's mantra,
I now stand waist-deep
into grounded
            and heavenly clarity,
feeling water lilies bloom
between my thighs
as I take the occasion
to pick up the pieces
                  where my soul
left off
and despite all odds,
Inspired by a stunning morning walk and an excellent, strengthening day yesterday

 May 2017
Elizabeth Squires
please excuse the gross lingo in this write
but using it will add some genuine bite
last night Jack's freezer called on our town
leaving a big frost blanket well behind
its chilliness stayed fixed to my rind
the temperature was minus of degrees
there came a feeling cold in toes and knees
everything most certainly zeroed down
holy crap them winter ides aren't too good
they shivered through my old frames wood
three more months of a bitter frigid brace
summer's warmth has departed these parts
which means I'll be up for Jacko's white starts
climes such as his are so hard to face
 May 2017
I consumed a small
vial of courage today.

And it got me out of my mind,
my aches
and my bed.

It got me showered,
and out the door.

It helped me on the bus,
through the rumble of
the exhausted engine.
It deflected the stares from eyes
who seemingly judged.

It placed me at work.
Fuelled me through
the sledgehammer ticks
that echo never ending seconds.

And I eventually find myself home...

So I consumed a small
vial of courage today.
And I'm brave enough
to admit that I'm afraid.

Afraid that I may be running out.
Once upon a time,
Not so long ago...

There anxiously lived
A lovely lady,
Who was now in the know!

You see..., her inspiration
Was taken away from her,
Forcing her lively spirit
To slowly die.

Her heart had broke,
Beyond repair,
When she finally uncovered
That love
Was nothing but a cruel lie.

Her kind, gentle soul
Was tortured,
And forced into virtual recluse,

For it had withstood
Unbearable amounts
Of mentally painful,
Emotional abuse.

She learnt
That the more one loves,
The more one feels the pain,

A very sad ending to her fairytale;
One that happens to many
Innocent, loving souls,
Leaving them all,
Never to be the same!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
The more one loves,
The more one feels the pain.
A sad ending,
Happens to many loving souls,
Leaving them never to be the same!
It's plain to see
If you look through one's eyes,
Deep into one's soul,
If you listen with your heart,
Feel with your senses,
And speak with actions--
The empathetic language of love,

Pay attention to the pain
Hidden amongst the chaos,
All the silent calls for help
Put out to the universe--
The cries of the defeated,
Ordinary pigeons,
Each one not realising
That society has convinced it
That it is not a dove.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This piece is all over the place, it fell out that way.
I don't like to play with what comes out.
It says what it was supposed to say,
Who am i to fiddle with my muses ink. Lol
 May 2017
Mike Hauser
...and when this poor body
lets go of its soul
no longer trapped
by this cruel world
where it is bound
heaven only knows
but I do know that I am ready

...and when I have done
all that I came to do
when I am old and now
no longer new
and the parts that I have
are worn out and used
I'll know then that I am ready

...and when the sweet breeze
whispers my name
then will my loss
be more my gain
I hope and I pray
that soon comes the day
because I know that I am ready

...and all the loved ones
that I leave behind
will then wipe with joy
the tears from their eyes
thinking of me
reminiscing on life
knowing full well that I was ready
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