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 Nov 2017
Kara Jean
I used to need a night light
You don't tuck me in
Something is broken
I like the silence
The deep secret
The dark
**** my heart
I feel the burn  
The shot is my only friend
The burn isn't a trend
It's where I pretend my life begins
 Nov 2017
Growing up I was always told:
"Jonesy, you will change the world, I hope they're ready."
I was sold on the idea and held fast to it ,
I was there, awaiting jubilantly my future duty.

Growing up I was never informed:
"Jonesy,this world will change you"
Appauled that after trying so hard to know your character  
The world just change the script.

Growing up I should have been notified:
"Jonesy, life offers you more pain than joy"
Slowly, I realized that and I cherished those beautiful moments,
And dearly I did.

I know now what I was never told then,
Life is stressful; it is relaxing;
Life brings obstacles; it brings you aid,
But most importantly, Life is what you make of it.

Jonesy 2017 ©
Just a sprinkle of inspiration
 Nov 2017
Strange place, strange ways, each stay away!
Then why are there two roads to take?

The maps and paths, and followed tracks.
And Google, Waze, we trust their facts.
Turn left, turn right we let it steer.
To miss a turn, we start to fear.

Across to tolls, collect control.
Like little soldiers, do as told.
Planned flights and crowds, comfort in traps.
Are we confined in our skin wraps?

Some lost, pretend to just be found.
Some found, act lost, pretty profound.
To take that step, the unprotected.
To turn towards, the unexpected.
A wasteful plan, we must forget it.
Insane repeat, and do we test it?

Misdirection, to find us love.
Misdirection, to find us trends.
Misdirection, finds ideas.
Misdirection, to find us friends.
Misdirection to free in stress.
Misdirection leaves no regrets.

Let one misdirection find you.
Let one misdirection guide you.
Let one misdirection define
And be the reason, you are you.
 Nov 2017
How strange, the pull that tugs my heart, toward a distant sea.

How haunting are the sound of sea gulls crying eerily.

The allegory still remains, of timeless waves in life

Turning rock to shifting sands, the sea winds, like a knife.

And yet, amidst the turbulence, serenity and love

The struggle of the sea and shore, that fits so like a glove.

The music breaks my heart in two, this ballad by the bay.

And I shall hold it in my soul, this song we used to play.

I still can hear the rollers as they broke upon the beach.

And even though I’ve gone back home, my memory, they reach.
 Nov 2017
Zara rain
His graceful fingers softly brushed
over my thigh in a languid stroke,
sending a parade of shivers along.
Slanting him a sideways glance,
meeting blue sky experience
embedded in a roadmap of life weariness.
With a crooked smile and a raised
eyebrow he simply stated;
-Had we been born in the same era
I’d make **** sure these legs
would never walk out on me.

The imprint of his hand stayed
as a melancholic afterthought
long after I had wrapped up
the meeting and left for the airport.
Unfortunately the flight
did not include time travel,
which has been a top priority
on my wish-list lately...
In remembrance of an era lost. Firenze 2014
I would swim a never-ending ocean,
Climb a mountain
That reaches into the sky,

Hike through treacherous bushlands,
I would challenge any staircase, Regardless of how high!

I would inhale the Earths atmosphere,
I would pocket every galaxy and star,

I would drain every deep-sea,
Lake, lagoon and river,
Anything to keep them nearer,
Rather than far!

I would fly to the edge of reality,
I would hitchhike across the globe,

I would skydive from the heavens,
I would carry a mountainous load...

To be with my five precious daughters. .

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Happy 15th Birthday Amanda F (A.F)
My Precious 1st Born ❤⚘

My precious 1st born, Amanda, was born 15 years ago today!
Wishing her everything that makes her heart smile and her soul shine brightly.
I will never forget the day she was placed into my embrace. The day she made me believe, more than ever before, that love could be unconditional and pure.
So proud of her and her sisters.
May she always live encompassed by light May she grow to be brave and strong. May she always know her worth and live bravely.
Happy 15th, my precious girl!
 Oct 2017
Cheryl Ann Warner
Serenity of the calm trees
I take it all in
subtle stillness, with a cam breeze
Rain falling lightly, remain with solitude
I'm watching the trees stand still
In my life this will be the light
Maintain security with wholeness
Attain all opportunities  that will fill
          your heart
After the storm pray for each day
laughter will help find your way
Photograph memories of the past
graph your life like a map
Believe in yourself
Retrieve confidence
Weave together your life
Leave behind all excessive emotions
Achieve  to highest standards
Accept yourself as you are
After the storm
Thereafter live each day on
your own terms
Only when we become a Mother
Do we truly understand
How much pain comes
With unconditional love,

It is only then
That we realise
How much it hurts
To be rejected
When push comes to shove.

To be taken for granted
Or not,

To be disrespected,
And talked-down-to, alot.

Only when we become a Mother
Do we fully comprehend
That our Mothers
Did the best that they could,

They, too, just like us,
Had their own issues
To deal with;
They didn't burden us,
We wouldn't have understood!

They cried just as much
As they smiled--if not more!
They gave more than
They ever received,

They placed everyone's needs
Before their own--since the day
That we were conceived.

They held back tears
Whenever we upset them,

They died inside
Whenever we neglected them
And disrespected them.

Whenever we patronised them -
Whenever we were condescending,

Whenever we blammed them -
Whenever we took them for granted -
When we gave no thought
Nor tried to be understanding.

They only ever wanted
The best for us -
They gave of themselves
Something nobody else
Was ever capable of,
Or willing to do!

Only when we lose our Mothers
Do we live with the regret,

A true blessing,
A pure love we were given--
Our first real love,
The one love
We will never,
Replace or forget!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to our precious Mothers.
Angels without wings!

And, whilst I am aware
That we weren't all blessed with such giving Mothers, I'm certain that even those whom weren't had a deep intention to be so, but life got the better of them.
 Oct 2017
Kara Jean
I sat there in pain waiting for my little being
I heard you scream
My heart couldn't breathe
The moment your blues locked with mine you were my everything
My crazy baby,
strong and full of love
I knew you could do anything
Jumping off of what you could find,
you make my anxiety climb
Yet I only see my sweet baby
You grow nightly
I know it's the routine
Yet I cry
I cry because I know one day you won't need me
I know you will grow,
becoming something
I only hope to water your dreams so they to will grow, being;
sweet and
Mommy loves you
To my sweet little man
She has been fighting herself,
Holding herself back.  

The urgent innate feeling
To release these emotions
That she hides,
Is so strong.
It is eating her alive.

She is struggling
To keep these burdening,

If she were
To be overpowered
And defeated
By this feeling,
And if she went ahead  
To begin to try to transfer
These disturbing feelings
From her heart,
And from her soul,
Into her mind,

Where she would then
Transform them into words -
Words that would surely struggle
As they drip through her pen,
Staining her paper
With blood-red ink--tears...

These words would surely
Be too dark -
The ink would surely
Run through every page,
Beneath the sheet
In which she writes;
Soaking through each one of them,
Right down to the desk
In which they rest--staining it;
Hence, draining her pen.

They would surely
Be too heavy  -
The paper would not withstand
Their hefty weight -
The ink would dampen the sheet,
Tearing it,
Beyond repair.

The same way
These emotions
Have torn through her heart -

The same way
They have tattered
And stained her delicate soul.

The same way
He broke her lively spirit
Into peices
With his crushing words.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Oct 2017
First, I want to thank you for all your support. Your response to my poem "Tears of a Rose" has been overwhelming. I am nearly in tears as I write this. Not only because I am so moved by your faithfulness in reading my work, but because due to pressing problems at home I cannot read myself. I would love to go through my notifications and thank each and every one who has responded to me. I simply can't right now. Therefore I am writing this post. Just to let you know how much I love you.

♡♡ I  £♡¥€ ¥OU A££!!! ♡♡

HUPOMONE: Greek meaning to persevere under extremely adverse conditions. The fight for faith & piety unto death.


Is it hard? Then bring it on!
Life is for the brave & strong!
Is it trials? Mighty tests?
I will give it ALL MY BEST!

HUPOMONE is the term.
I will fight! I will burn!
The devil thinks
That I will fold...
That only makes me
Brash & bold!

Warrior Women
Stand up tall!
Bring ' em on!
We'll see 'em FALL!

HUPOMONE is the Word
Sword of spirit
Slicing through all
Binding cords...
Killing off the devil's hoards!

Though with the lost
We've gentle hands
We are soldiers.
A mighty band!
And through redemption


(C) 10/10/2017
Can't tell you how MUCH i appreciate your friendship and kindness. I'm in tears now...

Can't tell you what is going on. Only that I won't be on the site for a while. I'm in a trial. But I will persevere with HUPOMONE.

AND PRAYERS! I NEED THEM! That God open my eyes of spiritual understanding. Thanks! ***

♡ Catherine
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