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 Oct 2017
If I look behind me as an old woman,
silvered and tired, plump and forgotten
honored and pitied, floating on the ice,

The days were long at times, youth spent angry
at the injustice that was stability unrecognizable by my
troubled adolescent mind.

Praise this moment I sit within, the air warms my arms,
my belly full, coffee hot, praise this moment, yes.

When I look back as an old woman I hope to find all the days
I savored each day left with my son, listening to his whispers through a closed bedroom door, waiting for a glimpse as he passes from room to room.

As an old woman will there finally be no more injustice? Will people know it is all about their own hard work? Make the world for your self, especially now. We all gotta eat, and ain't no one can take THAT  away.

looking back now, I missed all the chances, running forward.
 Oct 2017
J Robert Fallon III
Cramped, lost, and crying in my own worn out body,
with loss of hope to become somebody.

Short is this vivid pain,
too long is this bright ornament,
until I finally see the point of it.

No longer numb yet still caught in a gasp,
until I finally connect the dots and filled in the gaps.
 Oct 2017
Sometimes I think,
I should have stayed.
Til death do us part we vowed.
In sickness and in health.
Were there words about
not putting daggers in my soul, was there anything about not breaking me down until I forgot who I was?
Friday my therapist tells me, “remember who you are”.
I’ve spent the last four years remembering who you told me I was for twenty long years.
Too weak,
bad hair style,
wrong shoes,
bland cook,
messy in the kitchen
not good enough,
never good enough,
always wrong.
Who am I, I try to remember.
I try to reach deep inside and pull out the daggers one by one so my heart doesn’t bleed out.
I am strong.
I am capable.
I am desirable.
I am loved.
I am good enough.
**** it. I am all that and more.

And you? Nothing but a coward.
Even my leaving could not stop you from trying to destroy me.
But you didn’t count on me remembering who I am.
Did you?
 Oct 2017
Kelly Weaver
Step 1) panic
Step 2) board up your doors and your widows
Step 3) dispose of your
rations, your water, your supplies. you won’t need them anymore.
Step 4) take a deep breath. breathe in, and breathe out
Step 5) now, take in a deep breath, and hold it until his name isn’t dancing on top of your tongue, and his face isn’t printed into your mind.
Step 6) keep holding.
Step 7) ...
Step 8) ..
Step 9) .
Step 10)
 Sep 2017
Kara Jean
I'm melted pink
Perfect, when that's all you see
My wine is divine
It makes my heart climb
You notice me
I have nothing
I drained it long ago, so please talk to the ego
He rules me
Thinking is now his duty
I am the dummy held up by strings
There are no apologies when it comes to being a broken queen
Once more I say please,
don't bother me
I'm destroying
 Sep 2017
Kara Jean
I'm empty
The rhythm ripped from my veins
No more angst
No more anger, I have gained
My enemies no longer hate, they create
I feel my bronzed hair starts to drape
My desire for great,  it smiles
I will always have a fire
A world of desire,
for now I run wild
 Sep 2017
Kara Jean
Anxiety kisses me
I have a need to retreat,
instead I give in
Its helps me blend,
blend into world I don't believe
Make believe is my kind of thing,
so **** me
**** me over
Make me forget,
forget everything
I detach easily
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