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 Nov 2021
20 November 2021

Free of pain.
How do you know you exist?
Arthritic old sits daily twisted,
Grey eyes struggle, tears misted.
Lost a friend or mother?
Money, job, sister, brother?
Respect, youth, your truth?
The great questions of life and death,
Answered in last quivered breath.

Each day I awake for the sun.
Listen,  last song she sung.
Wonder stars filling night sky.
Where will I go when I die?
Cry as wars fill the earth,
Heroes finding their worth.
Feeling that child in my arms.
Loving you, kissing you warm.

Pain lies hidden each day,
Holding the answer at bay.
How long can I stay,
Loving you?
 Nov 2021
Carlo C Gomez
Sheltered within her cryochamber, the offspring of Armageddon dreams of play. She swims in an algal bloom that no longer stings like jellyfish. She floats on the surface of content, far removed from the synthetic sea and its plastic isles. She dwells in a bubble, but her mind hangs free as a halo, soaring with clouds. But these are not the skies that sense their own act of vandalism. This is the space and ceiling of a child's mind, in her capacity to absorb disturbance and rest her tiny, fragile hope in pretended, unclaimed worlds.
 Nov 2021
Justin S Wampler
My friends all talk to each other,
sometimes they address me.
Only every now and then though,
and usually to try and sell something.
My friends are voices, voices in the car.
Voices in my apartment,
voices coming from afar.
My friends are always there,
always willing to talk.
My friends don't really know me,
but I know all of them.
I know them well,
they share everything.
My friends are the voices,
I listen to them so that
I don't have to listen
to myself.
 Nov 2021
Carlo C Gomez
Eulogy of the heart
in a locket around her throat
all the little memories
of sun and moon
of wind and rain
recited by bruised lips
that took the euphony
of his kisses
to mean him a lover
of such beautiful things
but will-o'-the-wisp was he
as so mistaken was she

Inspired by and title taken from Caroline Shank's poem "Tango"
 Oct 2021
Glenn Currier
In these first days of fall
the trees prepare for their journey into winter
summer’s green

Honey bees buzz the sage
enter its majestic green body
through the sweet portal
of its magenta blossoms
for one last deep drink
of nectar.

My winter approaches
may I imitate my brother bees
maximize what sweetness
there is in my small world
and pollenize
where I can.
 Oct 2021
guy scutellaro
...the meadow and the puddle
you wouldn't come out of

wild and simple joy

invisable to eyes, now...

I wander the meadow grass

the fields where the flowers glow
in early morning

the fields you
only dream of
where your soul is always free...

and you come running
spectral through the mist,

I walk lonely fields
 Oct 2021
Zoe Mae
In prison, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are birthday cake,
and ramen noodles a succulent meal.
In prison, everyone's given shower shoes,
but pillows you have to steal.

In prison, the "beds" are worse than the floor,
the "blankets" giant SOS pads.
In prison, lice goes around like soup du jour,
and **** talk spreads like mad.

In prison, all you see is gray,
color only lives on your screen.
Now you're picturing us watching a 60-inch all day,
but it's only 13 by 13.

In prison, there's no such thing as steak, there's no such thing as meat.
Almost everything that resembles either is fake.
Real milk would be a real treat.

In prison, you still need money,
or you go to bed hungry each night.
It's seriously not funny.
Three small "meals"a day  
isn't right.

In prison, if you don't lock it down, another con will steal it.
There's more than enough desperation to go around,
and everyone can feel it.

In prison I was years ago.
I'm a different person today.
But the shame felt from being forced to bend over, spread my legs, and cough,
well that's never gone away.
I was in prison for 49 long days, and it was enough to scare me pretty much straight. I still know people who are locked up today. The majority of them are in for something related to alcohol, drugs, or psych issues. Many non-violent people that should be in rehab, which is where I should have been, are sitting in prison being punished for having a disease. They're not horrible people. Some people just don't get the breaks in life. I'm not saying no one deserves to be there, but in my mind, you have to have done some pretty bad **** to deserve that.
 Oct 2021
Carlo C Gomez
Windsong breeze
Playing to the tune of migration
Flight of the Arctic tern
Pushing the boundaries
For greater hemispheres
Internal clocks sound a message though
It is indeed time to go
To wing forth in formation
As they were designed to do
Their wanderlust tempered
By an annual returning

 Oct 2021
for all the world
he was a battleship
a tanker
all before him
pushed aside
lost in his wake
the wash felt
by many lives

inside he was a coracle
a dingy
rowing for dear life
hoping no one would notice
just how insignificant
he felt
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