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May Christ bless each and every one of you, my friends.
May your day be smooth, and full of tremendous Joy.
May everything that you touch bless everyone that you know.
May you be one of Christ most blessed servant to others.
May his Great protection of you be like Psalms 91 protection.
May your heart always be filled with Love for everyone.
May everything that you love, be pure and Holy too.
May your nights be filled with rest and peace always my friend.
 Apr 2016
K Balachandran
Sky is a taut, grey net spread,
at its  best in creating panic,
relentless day a brutish marauder,
drained of color of every kind, bleak,
even thought of you distant, my nectar
plays hide and seek, I am plunging
in a hallucinatory spin, down, down.

From inside a furnace closed
with a tight lid under which heat
in it's fiery glory permeates
like never before, a full- throated roar,
without any sound it travels around,
in waves after waves after waves,
to scorch every single thing under
the blood thirsty sun, on a hurried
march for revenge,green turbaned
trees and scarf adorned branches
changed all those embellishments
gone bone dry,now stand apologetic
like kids that made bed wet and caught
red handed, shrunk in shame and pain.

Narcolepsy reigns, drowsiness
day and night, like marijuana haze
            This summer makes its name stick
in bad books,making T.S.Eliot look
shame faced for calling one past tame April,
uncharitably the cruelest of it all.
But this, this is an unbridled wild horse
none can in no way do anything to stop.

When even the last drop of water from
the pond evaporates,sunburn peels the skin,
sun stroke down people, who are unaware,
cruelty of April, becomes monumental.

Perhaps in few days time May could barter
that bad name from April,I'd easily guess.

Buildings , in rows and rows lie, til horizon,
like blood drained corpses all though the day,
the  appetite for life, they evidently has lost.
Song birds on flowered trees, have gone mute,
doves scamper, dart in to the air, with hope
to get few drops of water  from somewhere

Kindhearted few fill water and feed on containers
for stray birds,taking cue from the practices of forefathers.
Change in climate is an ogre, that could with bare hands
smash pompous attitudes  and other human constructs!

Will there ever be a limit, to the red eyed monster,
avarice, we all pamper, within our inner courtyards,
that forces human beings to to do "Harakiri"
like a proud Samurai does with his own sword.
Harakiri-Ritualistic honor suicide by the Japanese "Samurai"
warriors who  value honor above any thing
 Apr 2016
South by Southwest
One wears the wages of sin
As war's protecting bibs
Where arrowheads of flight
Cannot pierce the pump within

Taste the salt upon the sea
The sea where sins are drowned
Upon the hearts that sit on sleeves
The head of smiles we crown

Back across the cross we bear
Hear the pounding of the condemned
Perhaps we will never be more
Than the crown of thorns we wear

So the cherry tree has fallen
It's bark black with disease
Lime should cure the problem
I will be planting trees
 Apr 2016
Vanessa Gatley
My platter becoming
Full nd heavy
With all these
Ur only making
Me drop it more
Vermin filled street lamps , gust borne shadows flicker in the artificial yellow night , a conflagration emerges over western skies
Evening hounds cower and lie mute , wind chimes trickle
to the steady clap of tin roofing
The lightning strikes to the clamor of the cooling earth ,
avenues grow reflective , ancient trees at the whim of
Spring eve ferocity
Boulevards turn to streams , the cloudburst wains , steam
rolls the south side circuitry in search of the fearful , hidden Moon
Copyright April 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
Love only in love
Don't love in hatred
or for sport
as if it were a game
to play

Love only in love
it is not a contest
love is not something you win
it is something to have
something to hold

Love only in love
It is not something to -
purchase. Something to own
It is yours
Only when you give it away

Love only in love
Do not waste it
Don't throw it away
or toss it to demons
(Those that attempt to control)

Love only in love
And you will then know
Only love
In the midst of nothing, you bring babies into life.
In the midst of sorrow, you bring out of me Joy.
In the midst of being broke, you give me wealth.
In the midst of pain, you give unto me healing.
For you are the Living Word, you speak life.
Into situations, people, and you give life to us all.
When we are feeling dead or empty inside ourselves.
We draw close to you repent and ask you for healing.
Then you begin speaking Life in to each of your people.
For you are the Living Word, whom speak life into us.
sailboats at anchor
rocking slowly to and thro
small dogs barking high
frisking down the seawall
passing nannies and strollers
till i chase them back again
ringing my bicycle's bell
swooping around the corner
laughing in the wind
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡
This place in my heart
intimately aware
     Deep tenderness
Imbued with
opening in the fullness
of the Moon's light
wrapped tight
threads of fear
Mama Pain
too great to fight
     A ragged slice
with hurt by
unkind words
thrown my way
Self inflicted pain
when I doubt my inherent
Knowledge and Strength
     I know this part
of my heart
that holds
the wounded
collections of me
Keeping at bay
the ache that
lives within
     The Blessing is
that Love
Wraps around
with Healing light
Shining within
to Hold The Power
     Allowing me respite
from the Sacred Locket
held in this place of
My Heart
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved

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ThankYou for reading...
Heartbreak finds us all.
Mine is in response to my
daughter's ****** addiction.
Having overdosed unknown times in
2 1/2 years, no matter
the heartache, each day
she is with us is precious.
A unique beautiful creature
She is 20 years old.

Currently in her 8th recovery program. Today, she is alive and either succumbs or battles through each day.
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

Aloof, alamoth shalt be as caffoy
To the effulgence; betwixt the
Stretched out firmament.

None more dacryop's; for
Euphoria is permanent.

            Multicolored adamant to be ourn walking step's,
            None ado; an ambassage of love so true, apace
            When airborne-balm of soothe.


                                           Cheek to cheek, Rosy blush
                                           ****. Top-to-feet, robed by
                                           Heat; from white sustaining


Mine lady, closer-feeleth me. Graze mine inner
Being. Touch mine blood that sing's; when thou
Art close. No longer art we the norm, we're now
Perfected from the storm's.


Surmounting through those once


O' now we art untouched, protected
Alongside high-rank Host's;
Beauty is the most enlightening,
Being seen through thine
Glorious view.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aloof- means at a distance, but within view .
Alamoth- music played in high notes...
Caffoy- velvety fabric..
Effulgence- brightness taken to the extreme.
Ado- fuss, bother.
Ambassage- message.
Apace- swiftly , quickly.
****- a person's face
Dacryops- wateriness in the eyes ... ( like tears, tears)
Adamant- rock or hard mineral.
Balm- medicine.
Infernal - of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld.
Betwixt- between....

If wanna hear this poem can find it on soundcloud. Com look me up if bored enough lol type in Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud you'll see this poem in their (Beauty is the most enlightening, being seen through thine glorious view) thanks for reading...
Thanks Brandon Cory Nagley....
 Apr 2016
Keith Wilson
He  stays  with  us  in  winter  storms
And  when  the  garden's  bleak
He  hops  around  in  sleet  and  hail
Appearing  pale  and  weak.

But  once  the  days  begin  to  lengthen
And  the  worst  of  winter's  gone
He  perches  high  up  in  a  tree
And  begins  his  joyful  song.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
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