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 Nov 2016
Charlie Chirico
Since adolescence
I have been an insomniac,
something sought after
these days,
by ignorance
masquerading itself as

An hour to me is not an hour to you.
The same standards apply,
only because those
restrictions can not be lifted.
Such a beautiful tragedy,
concerning a man made
that dictates calendar years
and sixty second intervals.

The sound a scribble makes
at three in the morning is
a continuing story of dark circles
and ever slowly forming indentations
that are everlasting countenances.
The sound dead leaves make
as they're stepped on quickly
shows a path yet to be discovered,
leading to an uncovered face formed
by bark, mottled with sweat
as sweet as syrup.

A petrified face.
Covering a worn sponge.
One willing to grow and absorb.
A tired brain.
Swimming in Dextromethorphan.
Controlling a hand
that extends to yawn.

After counting
sixty sheep,
I'll start my next interval.
One nod to know
it worked.
 Nov 2016
Jack B
I began

as an accident,  but what I know is no accident.

I sprouted up

in rural America as a white girl-child so what I learned was learned through white girl-child eyes.

I grew to become

a liberal white queer woman so what I perceive is through liberal white queer woman’s eyes.

I thrive

as a creator, a dreamer, an artist, so what I experience is experienced as a creator, a dreamer, an artist.

Who are you to say what I merit?

Who are you?

You began.

You sprouted up.

You grew to become.

[I hope] You thrive.

Who am I to say what you deserve?

Who am I to say?
I am me to say.

I am not to say
for you.

You are not to say
for me.

For you are to say
for you.

and I

for me.

And that,
dear friends

should be no privilege.
 Nov 2016
Doug Potter
You tied  shoelaces together
and tried to hang yourself
from McMillin’s

The neighbors talked about
it for years over flapjacks
and grits.  

They couldn’t understand why
anyone would attempt
suicide. I knew
the reason;

you were homely
and dull, kind of
foul smelling

too.  You failed
at  death, me
at life.
Warriors can be dragged through the dirt, but still come out pure - they become one with the earth.

Warriors can have their roots pulled out from under them, but still stand strong and tall - they know their worth.

Warriors can be beat down to the ground, and be walked upon,
but while they're down there, they'll look up to the stars and continue to dream on...

Because warriors can handle their business - their inner light shines brightly, through any darkness; they've seen it all, they're prepared to take anything on!

They're not looking for sympathy, they've given up on the idea of believing that outside forces will come forth and bring any kind of soul healing salvation,

They've learned that they can only depend on themselves - they've had no choice but to become a soldier for justification.

They're armed with resilience, empathy, kindness, compassion, and experience - but they won't stand for hypocritical thinkers,

They've met and battled with the worst - they won't tolerate degradation from rotten, evil, ***** stinkers!

Warriors will be your very best friend until the very last second of the end...

Take my advice... don't mistake their kindness for weakness - because warriors are always ready to bring on a revolutionary war - they're always ready to defend!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Nov 2016
Gwen Johnson
I am untold metaphors
that contradict each others existences
I am lightness
and darkness
and everything in between
I'm also the lack of the in between  
I'm the lack of existence
And existence itself
I am every extreme
but most importantly
no perfectly constructed poetry
can define me
and I wouldn't want it any other way
 Nov 2016
Lawrence Hall
The War Correspondent

A helicopter skeetered bravely in
And pitched and yawed against the enemy fire
That wasn’t there.  The manliest of men
Descended unto us in flawless attire

His tailored khaki suit was starched and pressed
Its creases as sharp as a Ka-bar knife
Never was a reporter more perfectly dressed
For getting the news while risking his life

The C.O. sped him past our positions
And hustled him into the T.O.C.1
To ensure each noun and preposition
Would be written for the greater good, you see

Much ink and Scotch were undoubtedly spilled
In air-conditioned comfort, no heat or mud;
With scripted heroics his notebook was filled
No need to stain his suit with his precious blood

After an hour he was hustled back
To Saigon for an evening reception
After he wrote of a great attack
And wired New York his immaculate deception

A helicopter skeetered bravely out
And yawed and pitched against a ******’s shot
That wasn’t there.  A great Communist rout?
There’s more than one kind of jungle rot

1Tactical Operations Center - command bunker, often air-conditioned.
 Oct 2016
Whitney Adele
I picked up my memories and hid them in the sand
my brain blocking out every memory of you
and the way you would gently hold my hand.

One day I may look back and appreciate that time of sun,
but for now I will keep those images locked away
and towards the path of happiness I will run.

I do not think of you in that negative light,
though that is the place where you like to hide.
Instead I will think of you as the beautiful soul who cried
and told me he loved me as he left my side.

-Whitney Adele
 Oct 2016
Ann M Johnson
Change can fall upon us gradually like leafs changing colors in the fall.
Other times it hits virtually out of nowhere and unexpectantly like a hurricane.
Sometimes it tosses us to and fro causing us to scramble to get a firmer foothold.
Other times change can appear more subtlely like a warm gentle breeze such as gradually falling in love.
Change can both bring about both fear or anticipation dependent upon  our perception of the outcome.
The winds of change will blow that is something over which we have no control it is part of life.
However, change can either strengthen us or weaken us the choice is up to us regarding our attitude and reaction to changes in our lives.
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