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 Jan 2019
Lives in their own minds
So who am I to testify
About what is left
When love goes wrong
Will such resentments
Make us strong?

I see why
It all must ends
But how did we manage
To let it begin
Damaged hearts
Unfaithful souls
A perfect blueprint
For growing old alone

And so
A wave of nothingness
Runs through my veins
Now I have no more words
My emotions are drained
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2018
These hands...
Cast of clay.

Had basked in the sun.
Deepened lines marked their faces
and enlarged cracks marred their backs.

Rough and matured.
They spoke the language of old
and hid the ancient ruins of the past.

Held together.
Side by side,
they clenched the fantastical ideals of today.

uncertain and pulled apart...
The future just falls away - a ghost.
A mirage that eludes grasp and capture.
 Nov 2018
K Balachandran
Past coral garden,
Dive to the depth of blue night;
Blissful oblivion!
 Nov 2018
I write from my heart
Whenever it bleeds
While running through the fires
Under my feet

I carry the guilt
That wakes you in the night
I could never back down
From a losing fight

I take for granted
The setting sun
I believe we'll see
A brighter one!

The day shall shine
Upon lost souls
I write from my heart
Because I know!
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2018
CA Guilfoyle
Tree, I have come to shelter and with the rain to weep
I am soaked, barefoot, with mud running through
soft the moss, cool and cold
to soothe my heart that bleeds.
Our waxing nights of love and moons
now fallow, a field that burns
****** our hollow bed
of haunting, silent screams
too soon the fiery devil
too far my lover
the spring.
 Nov 2018
harlon rivers
Listening rain plashes
upon crystal spring waters
It hears the trailing distance
disguised in the silent gravity
chasing it down the sky;
refreshingly sprinkling
where spotless fawns
drink from mirror pond
green and peacefulness

     A man falls from
a distance he knows by heart;
dropping like a wind broke tree ...
Breaking all the silence hidden
within the deepest places
          of his soul
Hitting the ground hard
to see if he still feels —
laying there broken
feeling the raindrops
     soothe the hurt

Certain when he’s able
     to get back up,
hearing a distant calling
to the fountains of his soul —
he may fall down again
     bearing the weight
     of broken dreams
     But he’s seen it all
for long enough to know:
he’s no candle in the wind

Awakening in an unfinished life,
coming back from the dead,
     still feeling each
     feral breath enough —
     to keep on trying
to chase down the wind ...

     harlon rivers                                                           ­                          .
November 4th, 2018

Rumi said:   'Whoever brought me here
                     Will have to take me home'
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