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 Nov 2018
The Masked Sleepyz
I put off writing this,
For then it becomes,
Like a scared kid with a,
Shadow in the room,
I chose to hide from it,
But pictures of pieces,
Still loom,
The surround sound sad songs,
Have all started rhyming the same,
And the soliloquies have all gone
I'm just trying to be happy for you,
But even when thoughts drift away,
The feelings linger,
Crooked parkway signs,
And certain looks,
In young lovers eyes,
Bring it all back,
It is real,
And I'm just trying to be happy for you,
Memorial officials to weddings,
In dances of words,
No one,
But you,
Will understand,
Promises of undone cigarettes,
With entwined mountain town dreams,
And names like June,
Prayers in a house that reads,
"Isnt death always at a funeral"
We will move on from fantasy and foreplay,
Because It is real,
I will be happy for you tomorrow,
I just need to be sad.
 Nov 2018
You can tell 'em that I was crazy
But I was just a harmless nut
My pathways are all corrupted
My neurons are all but ******
Committed to survival
White knuckled through this maze
Holding on can get really tough
When a Traveler tries to stay
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2018
All Hallows' Eve,
Sinks in
With the whirling
That conjure
Lost spirits,
With Invisible
A lost voice
From inside
The unknown.
To capture
A taste
Of immortality.
But you still
On this side?
All this time,
You never left
My side.
Every year,
You return
To where
Souls dance
Entangled in
Browning leaves,
No one would
Ever believe me,
If I told them
I can feel you
As if you
Never left
Mortal life.

All that
Fills the air
Is a barely
 Oct 2018
Buddha sits...

(in every conceivable direction)

finger painting a field

of flowers, while breathing

through billions of

human beings.

he remains breathless...

( directionless)

the chest of his sky no longer

heaves, but knows its heart

above all else.

rarer than a bird that realizes

it's flying.

as color is blind of itself, because

its spectrum's sight is so profound.

Buddha sits...

finger painting a field of flowers.
 Oct 2018
Life is but a cruel, cruel maze
Of dead ends and nowhere lines
Prepare to hold tight
To the connection
Between your body
And your poetic mind

Off the tracks of life we stumble
The dice of love we tend to fumble
Thankful for another chance
Life is cruel but still we dance!
Traveler Tim
She wakes me up deep in the night.

I understand you, she smiles
snuggling into me, her nose,
pressed cotton soft on my cheek

I have no strength, I cry
not one, for you

I love your weakness
love you for your weakness
her breath wafts into mine

and the boy stuck in his age
floats in the web
of the girl forever
 Oct 2018
Joel M Frye
So cliche to say
"your whole future is before you"
when we are rooted
in the soul of your childhood.
Better we should wish you
safe journey, safe home
whenever you might
find your way back.
It simply can't be already....
 Oct 2018
The Masked Sleepyz
It's raining,
Ambulance sirens drown the,
Silent slumber,
No one is on the road,
A mobile maddance,
Mad chanced,
Or mild happenstance,
No change,
But the toll keeper keeps,
Jingling coins,
What have you got to pay?
The windowless hospital waits,
With a unacknowledged anxiety,
No one is on the road,
Will this be the last time or,
Are you trying to make,
Every one stare longer,
The rain wont stop,
Shot, shot, shot,
Drip, drip, drip,
It'll be a few days,
Till the rain,
Decides to quit,
The toll keeper has better things to do.
And the ambulance rolls on.
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