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 Dec 2023
Pagan Paul
The speed of light matters little,
even from its initial burst.
It changes not the basic fact
that the darkness got there first.
A little philosophical thinking!
 Dec 2023
Walter W Hoelbling
I slept too long
do not know why
had my coffee at 9am
doomscrolling the news
on assorted media
        same difference

did not brighten my mood

the same idiots
spew the same phrases
they voiced one month ago
nothing has changed

and they call it progress
 Dec 2023
Glenn Currier
The breeze stretches and cools the season
along the country road
variegated light, leaf-filtered
from trees that lean
in rivalry for my eager eyes.

Their foliaged arms dangle, then drop
an amber snowfall all around
as if to awaken me
to the autumn creep
into my bones that click and tick
with each tottery step.

Earth awakens me to the beauty
in this splendorous season
of the gliding swaying passage
of life in alteration
and spiritual invitation
to bathe in the slow current of creation
along this road
and its cool and bright possibilities.
 Dec 2023
Sarita Aditya Verma
Melodic birds
Chirp in the morning
Bees and worm
A delicacy they yearn

With an ease
They sing a song
Sometimes tense
Sometimes verse

The melodic birds
Speak a language unknown
Known to their kind
Sweet it sounds
 Dec 2023
storytellers around the Sun
spoon fed pictures early...on.
A cow MOOS a sheep Baas
and the wolf has BIG TEETH.
What stories do YOU TELL.
Have you a story to tell?
Storytellers sat around the fire.
 Nov 2023
Sally A Bayan

Doves and roses are sought
when hurtful, tempestuous thoughts
flood and create lumps in the throat,
the urge...the surge grow stronger,
much to write...we grab pen...paper,
suddenly......we are "there,"
in that comfortable nook...where,

We create fictional love scenes,
or...relive tremulous experiences
of blazing lava flows, souls despondent
driven by disastrous rains, by discontent,
or, of souls cherishing rare times, serene,
a lake, warm sun...calm coffee moments;
all these become messages conveyed
they're the carbon dioxide we exhale;

Verses are afloat above our heads
until they're written.....and read.

Both old poets and newcomers
come up with stuff...funny or bizarre,
some readers relate...epiphanies occur.
isn't that what really matters?

No kings or queens in prose or poetry.
some came first, others came later.
surely, both want to share.
in God's eyes, no one is above the other.


Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
November 27, 2023
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