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 Aug 2016
We could be in a room full of people  and my eyes would always meet his, just to find that he had  already been looking.
 Aug 2016
You looked at me, more than you should have and
I thought about you, more than I could.
 Aug 2016
The bottle was full
Just like their spirits
They shared as the talk grew louder
Spoke of times when drinking was sociable
That was a time ago
Now the drink was a necessity
The medicine of life
The bottle was beginning to empty now
Just like the existence they led
You could see it in their faces
As the battle for the last drink intensified
Every battle has a winner
This time he was the stronger
Gulping down the last drop as if his life depended on it
There would be many more battles like this
Ultimately, the main battle lay ahead
The final one
The freezing weather moved in slowly
Though he was totally unaware
Lying in a drunken stupor
Surrounded by empty bottles
Screaming as the battle raged inside him
Fighting for the final time
As his life slowly ebbed away
The snow covered him like a blanket
Peacefully taking him to a new place
The battle over
His thirty five year old existence finally at an end.
 Aug 2016
stefania rivoltini
I wish
I could tell you
how much I love you
I wish
let you know
I'm next to you
I wish
I could comfort you
I wish
I could tell you
everything will be fine
I wish
I could believe
that will arrive soon
the moment in which
you and I
will be together
I wish
but I can’t
I wish
that this world
don't divide us
I just wish
I could
tell you
I love you
staring at your eyes
I just wish
I could feel
the warmth
of your arms around me
I just wish
to know
you’re happy
I wish
but I can't
hatred keeps us separated
divides us
your ideals
your selflessness
your bravery
your integrity
that I love so
keep us far away
I wish
you next to me
I desperately
to find you
in a place without
I want
to believe it
I want
to hope
I just want
my eyes
and wait
Tis but a dream I scream I scream
My body weak and weary

I lay in bed with throbbing head
And thoughts dark and dreary

I sing the song, What's wrong? What's wrong?
Am I left forgotten?

This be said, face turn red
Stomach spoiled and rotten

Demons spawn, be gone, be gone
As they take my breath

Be pearly gate or hell as fate
I've come to my death
I wrote this when I was 13 years old for a creative writing class.
 Aug 2016
Just Melz
In the corner
Staring into an abyss
       of pointless options
And all the edges
       in the world
Aren't sharp enough
       to cut through
The concrete wall
       surrounding her heart

In a crowded room
Searching for an empathetic face
She sees the smiles
        filling the empty space
And it seems
        that no amount of joy
Is real enough
        to take the fears place
 Aug 2016
Ili Norizan
Lost is a place,
Between today and tomorrow,
For in tears I drown my sorrow,
The minute you stop the chase;

Lonely is the night,
When cold gusts and whispers,
Accompany my base desires,
Since you quit the fight;

Distance in between us,
A split second from day to night to day,
And every strike that ticks away,
Marks the moment you distrust;

Memory is but dreams,
A hint of what if and what was,
A semblance of reality with a pause,
When we're no longer on the same team.

 Aug 2016
All of his letters ended in goodbye
instead of to be continued

someday we're all going to die
my brother, he would say

now he's got me saying the same
words like the moon and darkness
that only we could hear

he'd listen to the blues and sip whiskey
until morning, then wake me
from my sleep, tell me to go out

and cut the weeds
growing up around the stone
angels in the field.
 Aug 2016
Nessa dieR
For I'm just a sigh and deep breath
From other's pain,
The beginning of a new day,
And the hope that makes
a scream from  agonizing pain
stand out.

It hurts to be compared
For she has you by her side,
And while I was never able to forget you,
**I got used to missing you
 Aug 2016
solEmn oaSis
He* loves you still! ,even you two were desperate
Now that You learn and beginning to love me more
i can't love you back just like the way he does
because I do love *
" Hymn! ... "
this is for you Ana.
and also for hymn.....
cuz my heart beats only twice!
that is why--the symbol for love
is less than 3
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