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 Sep 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
Beauty comes a dime a dozen**
Sliding through the cracks
Sticky change if you ask me
But I don't check the facts
I'm a penny-pinching prophet
All premonitions made out to cash
My fingers dig between the floorboards
But there are *some things I can't grasp
 Sep 2016
Keith W Fletcher
You had the truth in your hand
But I guess you couldn't stand...
...the demand...
... of being a real human

So why does your shame
Make it necessary to blame
The others for suddenly being
A stranger
Does that not create the danger

Of rearranging the facts
While jumping the tracks
In your haste to move forward
What could be the reward
For striking such a chord
Of internal discontent
Where your morality is bent...
... To the point of almost broken

While fueling the fires you alone were stoking
I had relinquished the remote
As  I felt the chill wind blow
Still I did not don a coat
Out of righteous indignation
Or from forlorn resignation

Although there was temptations
I let you hem and haw - have your say
So you could do it your way
The window view instinctively knew
And slowly dropped it's shades
The window curtains instinctively knew
And dropped... so as one side fades

Going back into the obscurity
There is a melancholy pull
Looming large and weighted  down with insecurity

Even in that first moment of triumph
The serious side knew
This was no contest
It was an awakening
While nowhere near sleep
As if the dreamers shuffling steps recede

Scuffing the floor in metronomic
Sounding like the best the best the best the best the best the best the best
Continuing as it crosses the room
The best the best the best the best
right on out the door.
 Sep 2016
Silence, peace, spiritual
 Sep 2016
Kelly Weaver
if, surrounded by lovers,
your mind starts to hover,
to a time and place
where nothing mattered,
you may be tempted,
since you're relentless,
to visit your past affairs.

you may count every name,
and pretend you feel no shame,
but deep within, you're unhappy.
you understand your fate
but truly, as of late,
you wonder if you messed up royally.

with so many chances,
and plenty of dances,
you've managed to wind up alone.
and every time you close your eyes,
or look up into the clear night sky,
you only remember his touch.

the regret, like sadness, comes in waves,
and trying to get by every day,
has become quite exhausting.
and though your very heart is torn,
you eagerly await every storm,
because no one can see you cry in the rain.
 Sep 2016
Star Gazer
I'm happy that she's happy
if I tell myself that long enough
maybe I'll be able to convince myself
till I am finally fit to say farewell.
I've lied to myself in millions of ways
just to keep the demons behind
as though blinded by lies kept me alive
I wanted all of what I tell myself to be true.

I'm happy that she's happy
because it is the only way I tell myself
that I'm allowed to finally move on
but history always proves me wrong
because I don't know how to let go of what's gone.

You left me
I told myself
I was fine with that.


As long as you are happy.
 Sep 2016
Emily B
There is an ache
That sits in my chest
When I read your poetry

I sit long
Trying to wrap
My arms around

Want so badly
To soothe an ache
Or mine

And so I sit
 Sep 2016
Rainey Birthwright
Smile at the world,
See what doesn't happen,
The moon is so sharp
And indifferent in the sky,
The lovers sink as they try
Never knowing each fall
Of smile as they eye.

Smile in the overgrowths,
The wastelands of the mind,
Touch the ghosts at meetings,
They will shock you raw,
White as the moon rages
And the sun, cold burning
Each day as it brands you.

Let go, let your face rest,
There are no smiles real
As you dream them to be,
Let your life be limp as death,
See the waters as they climb,
Up from the muddy tomb,
So few can feel rising.
 Sep 2016
Nishu Mathur
Though I love those dark clouds
and though I love the rain -
how it brightened my heart
when the sun came out again

The sky - a sea of tranquility
as peaceful as could be
calm I felt when those warm rays
rested upon me

I'm sure I heard the roses laugh
saw carnations turn a richer hue
how could they but not smile
upon a sky so  blue

I saw the lake ripple merrier
in silver, copper streams
glistening with flowing joy
how it glimmered and beamed

Though I love those dark clouds
and I love the rain... I do
but how my heart gladdened today
for I can do with sunshine too

I hope the sun lingers long
shining through sheesham trees
for I love the way his rays rested..
so softly upon me
 Sep 2016
11:24pm, not 11:11
because I just realized how much I love you,
How much I think of you,
How much you
And your abscence
Have taken so much of me.
If you knew what that meant you would come back to life and actually kiss me.
prettybaked and I still cry for you. I'm sorry
 Sep 2016

Sunrise wishes and morning kisses
in pastel ribbons horizon’s gleam
Morning glories and breakfast stories,
my day with you starts a perfect dream

Dawning shimmers in dew drop glimmers
as bluebirds whistle on yawning skies
Cooler breezes as autumn teases
in colors tinted upon your eyes

Holding hands while we make our plans
your smile takes all my cares away
As our love I am thinking of
to share with you this September day
We all have bad days but we also have many good days too. And the best days are the ones that start with love. :)
 Sep 2016
The sky is crying, just like me
The clouds keep screaming, out to me.
They boom and roar and bang against my roof,
I wish I could calm them down the way they made my stress and tears disappear.
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