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 Sep 2016
It's too bad
That you can't
Really seal
The cracks inside
With frosting.
 Sep 2016
Just Melz
Ice* cold
Like my soul

     Growing older than old
  Melting away
         As the days get hotter
Why bother with the same things
      When everything changes
          And I can't escape the heat
   Of my heart as it finally feels
 Sep 2016
Ishshita Chanda
What is love?
Love is a lust that quench your soul
Love is when
His neck kiss left you with goosebumbs
His lips bits where as painkiller
His body against you is a shield of your protection
His touch was the sensation to your soul
The deeper you went you became one one
Because he seduced your  soul
And then I experienced spiritual ove!!
 Sep 2016
Let me introduce myself
My name is suicide
I live in the shadows
Just at the back of your mind
You’ll probably never meet me
Sometimes i’m on posters
Usually in your doctor’s waiting room
You may glance at me
Put me to the back of your mind
That continuous cough
Your main concern today
Sure you’ll get better soon
Now we come to the other guy
I’m at the forefront now
Doesn’t seem to be any alternatives
No introduction needed
No explanation required
Sometimes we have a trial run
Just to see
But really our mind is made up
The poster stares right at him
Taunting, asking what he’s thinking
What is he thinking
The same thoughts as yesterday
The day before yesterday
The cough would have responded to antibiotics
But it was never really about the cough.
 Sep 2016
I ran my hands across my ribcage
Like there were strings between my bones.
That if my fingers plucked the right ones
The music would flow up to my throat
So that with every exhale, a chorus would
Escape from the peaks of my lips.
And that just maybe the song that played
Would make its way to another heart
Still willing to listen to the rain.
 Sep 2016
Bianca Reyes
I could have
          sworn we were
                             meant to be

We argued
             so perfectly
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Sep 2016
Sally A Bayan
I'd like to cover
our concrete fence
with white paint all over
it is right now, choking
with an overgrowth of healthy moss...
i intend to wipe the spreading green
off its surface
::::::::::::::::::: seems too cruel, though,
plucking....scraping....or pulling something
.....away from its habitation,
......................its comfort zone
i thought it similar to something
that had happened a long time ago... left us with no choice,
.........we had to leave the house
where we were born
my mother, my siblings and i,
we moved in
....with my aunt and her family, a faraway place
things weren't the same again
.............after my father died...


Copyright September 15, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Sep 2016
somewhere deep came a verse
that startled my universe made me stop
spinning take  notice
of it
made me remember things
that hurt and haunted and were  
deeply buried
it started with the word eternity
and continued
you can't hide from it
it is gonna catch up
I laugh at the sound
    of the wind
As it echoes through my mind
Telling me stories of memories
     I had previously left behind
  with caricatures of faces
I can no longer remember in reality
      And songs from past places
That bring me down
         with the emotional gravity
And I was my thoughts spin around
                 and around
    I get dizzy from the intensity
                and my sanity
        Can no longer be found
I can still hear the wind
      And I laugh at the sound
 Sep 2016
Looking back at the years
through the fog,
sorting the memories
that are real
from the phantoms
that long
for the castle and the throne
that have fallen.
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