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 Jul 2015
Poetic T
Enveloped in this casket of riddled
Darkness, eyes are the only source
Of white, I scratch at them myself.

Extinguish the beckoning light , I
am gorged on the blanket that
covers me, it caresses thoughts

I am entwined in this place inside,
My mind is a web of onyx capturing
Thoughts corroded and entrapped.
 Jul 2015
Dear Poet,
There is always the come down
when you have been riding clouds
and scooting all around creation.
The fecund summer
Seethes with songs and raucous hues
And winter be dammed
 Jul 2015
And darling,
Just like the rain

I knew that
It was too good
For you to

 Jul 2015
Terrin Leigh
lucky you're mine
wrapped warm
safety possessed
in your arms

hold me close, bound to your breast
forehead kiss
sets everything in place
in your arms

the world can't touch me
words can't hurt me
forget the pain
in your arms

release the worry
act that shows
you're a man of your word
in your arms

arms, arms,
arms of acceptance
of security, of love
in your arms

terrestrial representative
honest acknowledgement
locked in love
in your arms

captivate my senses
reign them in
sure foundation
in your arms

formerly wounded
alone; but not
in your arms

in your arms.

in your arms.

in your arms.

place to be
in your arms

in your arms.
free verse - security
 Jul 2015
She longs for nights
When galaxies appear
In the vast sky
& silence conquers.

While others dream
She found a woken
& lively tranquility.

She identified with
The darkness of the night
And how stars will only
Show themselves upon
What once was mishap
Or a frightening concept,
The dark.
 Jul 2015
I'm forever fighting
the urge,
the want,
the neeeed,
to know the
source code of your
To see the matrix
of your thoughts.
To know how your feelings
color them.
 Jul 2015
Ricci Moon ScottBCM
Oh My.... The Blue and White Checkered Board Floor in that house, Memories Flooded me last night. then I awoke screaming a few things, as in my dreams I was on the walkway on my knees just distraught and terrified screaming " it was not my fault, they stole my memories, they didn't believe me and they called me a liar."   and was having full on flashbacks and bizarre dreams. coconut shavings in a can that tasted so good, they were like milk. dumbo the elephant, golden trains all on a children's book, and readings, like "broken pre ***, short and stout, here is my handle and here my broken spout" a bead girl in the marsh by the house in the dream,  the pegboard and the spotless floor blue and white keep clean, asking to go, or as we heard someone in the kitchen working and trying to hold it in. and then, watching as we drove by my grand mothers as I cry thinking, she will never know that it was not her fault and she will not know where to find me as I was doing as I was told by driver.  I remembered the taste of pennies in my mouth as my bones would bend, always wishing they would break but they would just bend. and I kept hearing," likely blew with is horn, crying wolf, crying wolf, lil boy blew,blew his silly lil horn and no one would believe all the children were torn."   yes, the house with the blue and white checkered floor seems to have triggered finally a few memories and some very intense and did I mention intense dreams.  I woke screaming and sweating a few times while sleeping in phoenix'a bed.  yeah.I could use ... yeah ... that was ... yeah.. but now I remember, and I tried, and there are parts I targeting talk about on here. yes I see ... too and the girl blue and all the....... wow intense dreams.
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