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 Oct 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
love came to me
in quiet
and found me
unaware of

   over the table
   of a conference lunch
I must have taken
to your ways

   sitting next to you
   in drowsy silence
   on the bus that took us
   to some wind-blown ruins
   of antiquity
your presence was
like that of a close friend
with whom I shared
a silence comfortably safe
no words were needed

only when
   on that merry evening
you looked
and moved
like happiness incarnate
and put your hand
upon my knee
I recognized

I wanted

      * *
 Sep 2015
Asim Javid
In the deep world of my thoughts.
I think of you by my side.
In the realms of reality,
we are separated by a see full of tide.

How can the distance merge,
and we, together, have a life.
Time to spend,  moments to live,
no more distances to appear alive.

May be we are meant to be abstract,
the intangible form of love.
May be,  we are the ghosts,
ghosts for each other,  always hidden
behind the tangible love.

Is fate to blame?
Or should we blame the God?
So perfect and yet distant,  isn't that odd?
We can cry for a why
or just accept the design.
We could strive against the gap,
and love each other
till we die*.
 Sep 2015
Asim Javid
I am no more dirigible, no more bound.
I am the hawk,  I am the hound.
I am  beyond anyone's touch.
My ideas go beyond the stretch.
I savvied the rules of world -a pitfall.
Now i aspire to break them all.
Now i wander,  with no guilt to ponder.
My soul is sated with peace, that's what i will squander.
The temporal rules i bend with ease.
Cuz i am sceptred with
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
An interminable yearning of
solace finding.
A constant struggle of cicatrix hiding.
Euphoric trance,  we hanker it all.
To breath beyond the limits of wall.
Wall that curbs our accord.
To hum the songs from one old record.
To aviate beyond the visible horizon.
To be souls of mirthful composition.
Exempting our cores of concealed  desires.
To sway  with adored one in bonfires.
To see the world engrossed in
love and peace.
Will only,  then our souls
ensconce in ease*...
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
The dot of dark hate in the rose of.         love..
The despair seeded in the core of hope..
Peace lying in the beloved arms of disruption..
the blood of demom running dormant in the veins of God..
We all stand on the burning grass of hell which is beautifully decorated in the Gardens Of Parsdise...
Are we all so inebriatedly lost in this paradise or
this paradise is so lost to us*....
©Asim Javid
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
For the years we stayed together,
For the ages we live with each other..
You are a friend,  sister and a mother,
Love for you is upto infinity and further..
Your will be introduced  to new life,
as you are going to be someone's wife..
Happiness and blessings is what
i wish for you,
you are moving out and the time is due..
Stay happy,  stay blessed and
never get troubles,
You holded my hand in all the rubble..
May you be get life of the  stellar,
Love you and that's eternal*...
On the event of my closest one's marriage
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
In the crowd of strange faces
yours seemed familiar...
I did not know you, yet
to the person in my mind
you looked similar..
None acquaintance lied between,
I felt pulled to you altogether..
You are a beautiful stranger,
Strangely beautiful you are..
I don't know if i see you again,
You are close,  even if you
stay so **** far* ...
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
a broken bridge
connected their hearts.
a silent conversation
between their minds.
an inconsolable affinity
between their souls.
They struggled to
come over distances.
But the distances never
existed ******,
They had consumed their
 Aug 2015
Karishma Chokshi
So serene, so blissful…
So pacific, so liberating…
The only sounds that drench my ear-
The drops of rain,
The gush of the wind,
The flow of the river,
And, the sound of me, breathing.
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
Let us hold the hands
walk in the pouring rains...
Let us make it drip down
all our pains..
Let us close our eyes
get lost in this moment...
  Let us secure the opportunity
to be happy
sing together a Sonnet...
Let us **** our reasons
bounds and cares to stay..
Far from populous ,
let us hold hands
get far , far away* ..
 Aug 2015
Asim Javid
she was a marionette of the echoes
of her past
corrupting her present.
She was fluctuating betwixt
the anguish of the antecedent and
invariable  sanctity.
She was apostle of the present
She worshipped her past
 Aug 2015
Nicole Dawn
As I lean back
To float
Upon the clear, bright waters
I heard the whispers
Of the water

They tell me,
You see?
You float
You are naturally buoyant
You are not meant to drown

**Hold on
Put together in like 5 seconds, but whatever
 Jul 2015
Asim Javid
At the silhouette of dawn
she pointed her finger
towards the sun and
whispered good morning to me,
When i wanted to stay in the night
and gaze into her eyes
and envision the moon...
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