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 Jun 2015
Hopeless Wonderland
You have forgotten me,
I've been here waiting for the love
We once shared.
 Jun 2015
"I don't know if I loved you"

Those words echo throughout my heart, crushing it.

Why couldn't you...?
 Jun 2015
Justin G
If you do not
know who I am
Do not look for me

I won't be meditating far out within the
Great Mountains of Mount Meru

You won't find me
At the top of a hourglass,
Nor will I be groomed in all black

I will smell of albacore
drenched in blood
and anguish
Kissing wingless
pigeons with one eye

I will be beneath
frozen pillars
amongst phantom

If you are still oblivious to my identity
Please don't hesitate to walk away from me
I will soon be buried elsewhere
under the Sahara Desert
In a tomb made from fire & brimstone

Better yet

I will be eaten alive in a dark forest
either by wolves, or devoured by snakes
under decomposed trees left to transpose

But if you truly have forgotten
Who I am?
Pay me no mind

I will be below land
drowning in the harsh seas of iceland
I will be starved with unspeakable scars
thorned from head to toe

I will be ****** into a black hole
deep within outer space
brutally beaten by asteroids in light speed
You won't find me desperately searching or striving
You will simply live on
Without me as if my
love never existed
This is a dark counterpart to my old poem
Look For Me
 Jun 2015
Callum Ray Foster
Our love all at sea
where the waves come crashing.
We're not in the same boat
we're two ships passing.
It Hurts believing your words  
then finding out it is all a Lie

It Hurts knowing a person I love
can become a person
I would Despise

It Hurts being told you are Clean
then findin' out your *****
It Hurts that you feel Entitled
yet at the same time
feel Unworthy

It Hurts knowing you could Die
be brought Back and Die
Be brought Back and Die
It Hurts wondering
every Moment
of every Day and Night
If you are still Alive

~MoonFlower~Fluer de Luna~April 2015
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
♡■♡■ It Hurts ■♡■♡
Go ahead...
   taunt Me
     I no longer matter in the
        doings of Your day to day
Go ahead
   distance Me
     seperated by hurts
       which seep into Our tomorrow

Go ahead
   keep moving
     I can no longer catch up to
       Your love so far away

Go ahead
   painful, this place
     of isolation and dispare
       In hopes that you might care

Go ahead
    As I waited
      You chose a different way
         A path not ment for us to share
Go ahead
   I need to fathom
      This loneliness that
         I can no longer bear

Go ahead
   without Me
      I am no longer safe
         In the Company of Your Heart

~MoonFlower~Fluer de Luna~
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
 May 2015
last week you were sitting by your window watching the sun melt into a thousand shades of darkness and you thought of her. you still remember how she always smelled like lavender and roses and peonies and freshly mowed grass and rain - a living breathing walking talking singing dancing growing but ever so slowly dying garden. you suppose she must've smelled like cigarettes as well, since she went through a pack a week, and the whiskey she laced her coffee with and the teabags she used as toothbrushes, but all you can remember is the garden of her mind and the green of her thumbs that planted flowers in-between your ribs and turned your blood to a breeding ground for aphids. a single lotus flower can live for a thousand years. a single memory can live even longer.

on the train ride to paris she didn't think of you, instead she counted all the prime numbers from one to one thousand and kissed a boy with oceans for eyes. you came home to an empty house in february, a receipt for valentine's day roses still fresh in your wallet. all of your belongings were still there, tainted with the memory of her - the set of calligraphy pens she got you for hanukkah, the sweater of yours she would always wear in the mornings after *** while drinking coffee and filling out the crossword. the endless number of bobby pins she'd left in your bedroom were still there, littering your floor like land mines. you found the flowers she planted in your veins tossed in the trash, and you spent hours pulling each petal from its receptacle and deciding that if she'd ever loved you she would have chosen something gentler than forget-me-nots to sew into your veins. the seeds of a lotus flower must be cracked before they can be planted, must be broken to allow the water to seep into them and breathe possibility into their veins. your heart is cracked, have you blossomed yet?
 May 2015
Wherever I walk
always there is an absence
walking beside me..
 May 2015
Lost and Searching
I don't know what to say anymore
Its like no matter what I want it never happens
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