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 Aug 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
She was home but not
the world seemed different to her
Her senses muted
Andy Griffith like in her vision
Downed power lines noted
She picked them up
Knowing she should be shocked
Finding it odd
She was not
She hurried under them
A transformer in the distance sparked
Her children but not hers
Played in her garage
She protected them against the power lines
Then ****, they were gone
A stranger child sat upon her dryer
Laughing as though possessed
The laughter was not human
Demon at best
Chills down her spine she approached
His laughter stopped
To her these words spoke
"You will not get to keep them
He will have them to his self
You will not be able to protect them
They will be his
No one else"

She then awoke
It was just a dream
Hurried down the hall to check
Her children in their beds
Safe and sound, fast asleep
After kissing each again
She turned, her room to head
She heard the demon laugh
Turned back and saw
Fear again gripping her
*He sat upon their bed......
The ex husband has put in a motion for soul custody of our children. Knowing my children are to now be subjected to this fight he has started has truly upset me...

"A nightmare, also called a bad dream,[1] is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness. The dream may contain situations of discomfort, psychological or physical terror. Sufferers often awaken in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a small period.[2]".......
the etching of
reflection in a china bowl
full of water,
our love
uncovering tiny silver
stars on the horizon.
 Aug 2016
JB Claywell
Somewhere along the way
we forgot to tell you that
this isn’t always fun,
that writing, like Hemingway
said, is akin to bleeding.

Apparently we forgot to mention
that, like Selby says, it doesn’t
take much to do this; it only takes
everything you have.

I know for me, more often
than I would care to admit,
I’m still writing out my horrible
fears, feelings of inadequacy,
intense depressions, memories
of fistfights in boy’s rooms of
elementary schools, middle schools
and high schools all over this city.

That **** doesn’t just go away, you know.
But, writing about it helps.
Hell, writing about anything helps,
but it’s not always fun.

Sometimes it feels like drowning in a barrel of tar.

I will never forget watching my daughters be born dead,
I will never forget seeing my wife’s puffy, tear-stained cheeks and swollen eyes,
I will never forget what I did to deal with what I saw, with how helpless
it all made me feel, how inadequate I was as a husband, as a parent, as
a partner.

I couldn’t fix any of it. I couldn’t take any of it away, but there was one thing…

I could write.
I could bleed ink.
And, I did.

I bled decibels too.
I took these notebooks full of bile,
of misery, of near insanity, to a bookshop
with a PA and a live microphone.

I used that microphone to spread my disease
as far as the soundwaves would carry it.
I wanted infection, secretion;
I wanted a ******* pandemic.

What I learned was that doing this;
writing it out, spitting it out, throwing it out
in small rooms full of people with their own stories
made my stories tangible, alive to an audience of my peers.

Going further back in time, I can recall a pretty clumsy
****** experience.

That girl, in her father’s Winnebago,
she told me that she wanted to do it just to
see if I could, and I could.
She was done with me before whatever sweat
we’d sweated had even dried.

She made me wait at the end of her driveway
for my father to pick me up.

So, when that older poet writes about
lost loves, or lovers long gone, I get it.

Because, maybe he’s writing about how sweet
and supple they were so long ago, so that he might
better be able to get a handle on the recollection of
the biting crush of loneliness that their departure brought about,
and might still live in the memory of his heart.

We write what we write.
Some of us call it poetry,
we may even reach higher
than we perhaps should,
and call it art.

But, I, and I would gather, we
know that it’s not always
a happy or enjoyable task.

It is a task of upheaval
and ultimately of survival.

It is not cute
but it is culture,
not always art,
but artful payment
to that which is painful,


©P&ZPublications; 2016
If you get it, you get it. If you don't... I can't help you.
 Aug 2016
david mungoshi
soon forgotten in the mazes of old time
like a lacklustre story heard in passing
when the pain is brought on by the frowns
no honeyed words or feigned equilibrium
can erase that empty feeling inside
and your day will be done in their annals
 Aug 2016
Darren Edsel Wilson
High stakes!
They did naught but
pin me to the sky!
I did more than weather
the storm
I weathered all weather.
She loved me still
with your skin cooked black, she said
she tended to my boils
what a marvel, she said, you're still alive!
my smile bleached white, shone true
all I want... is to be... with you

Lady there's no hell greater than loss
but you've promised me eternity
laud all your passion and virtue
for there is no end to your grace!
You're the marvel, she said, you've been cooked
but you still
... inside where emptiness rings I cringe...

Tell me, how white were you
when you
were ****** into the sky
like a kite caught in clouds
tell me! She demands
I smile my sunlit smile
Only the purest color, my dear
the irony of my white lie so clear

She enjoys my moonless tint!
Her tongue swims over my skin
scouting for cacao, or some savor rich
her passion so devouring cools me
for all pain is pleasure
after the fires of perdition
yet, why is there still a nagging
a clawing
a stabbing
a seeping, consuming unease
within my heart?

I must tell her the truth...

My love, she says, how white-
I've been night before there was darkness
I say
I was soot before there was flame
I say
I was the skin of emptiness before you became my soul
woman, I've always been black even before the cooking,
my heart is a pool of light, within which
you may bathe...

She stared at me,
finally seeing the filth
her heart knew to deny.
I should have been
a fountain of tears
but the flames of hell have robbed me
of any admission of sorrow.

All I wish in days gone by
I wish she had a heart of gold
if color be the weight of any being
may sight be struck from purpose!
I don't have much to say after this.

 Aug 2016
Denel Kessler
seeds lie barren
on the hardpan
of a soul craving

seek absolution
on scarred knees
search for bliss
in the brief bloom
after sparse rain
believe these offerings
are not in vain

seeds lie dormant
 Aug 2016
I am the hermit who lives in my head.
I gather...
I analyse...
I stow away all that I've learnt.

Because when the wind would blow
and the earth wouldn't understand.
When the world would tremble,
shaken by man's ruthless hand.

I am the hermit who lives in my head.
I listen...
I keep...
I stockpile in the shadows.

Because in my blood exists grudge...
And my bones, weary from despair.
My skin screams exhaustion
and my body feigns to care.

I am the hermit who lives in my head.
I overthink...
I hide...
I hoard all my thoughts.*

Because the walls have ears
and these pages bear eyes.
What my heart truly knows...
Is that your mouth tells only lies.
 Aug 2016
SG Holter

Thirsty now; mouth dry like
A desert wanderer's,
Single man in solitude
Swiping right and

Not even caring
Too much.
Just looking for trouble;
Microwave-romance, softness;

A face that fits my hand.
Guitars gathering dust, begging
St. Gibson for inspiration
To shake their owner into

Lust fuelled
Songwriting; string breaking, pick
Melting, voice straining.
For now, the last of five litres of

Italian red is floating bellywards;
Bloodwards; headwards;
Heartwards, and the drinker writes
Text message poetry with drops of

Wine hiding in barley beard too
Full for an old mother's appreciation.
I owe her a grandchild.
She says poems don't count.


Thirsty now; heart dry like one
Not recalling love, not remembering
A woman's hungry hands on
The back of one's

Warm, wet head, pulling, nails
Teeth biting beard.
Skin kissing skin.

Soul seeing soul and
Sweet illusion of love.
I create a bed-sharer on canvas.

I compose a breakfast-eater at my table.
A listener to my songs,
Sunset-watcher, Netflix-snuggler,

I owe for her to be flesh and blood, not merely
My neurons dancing. Ears to hear
My compliments. Hair to brush
Away from between

Our lips mid-kiss.
I finish my wine.
Could have made nearly painful
Love to her

For ages and
Aeons, but I
Create her temporarily;
Fleeting image of a speaking doll.

Hold me like tears on something
Golden. Hold me like an acid
Trip fading into reality.

She says poems don't count.

She says
Don't really
 Aug 2016
brandon nagley
Mine Jane, mine Jane, alway's tormented by the gin that thou hast made; didst thou not remember from whence thou came. Forbearance mine love, wilt be tomorrow's praise,
If thou canst wait;
Hallow thou art,
Hold onto faith.
Take off thy
Make God space,
To fill thy soul,
Wherein the pieces aren't hole;
What's worth more queen,
The world? Or
God's spiritual throne?
There is a preordained
Abode; Awaiting thee in heaven.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley( agapi mou) dedicated
Gin- biblically means a snare or a trap.
Thou- you
Hast- has.
Didst- did.
Whence- from which, from where.
forbearance- patience.
Canst- can.
Hallow- can mean to make holy, consecrated, or set apart ( I mean it as Jane your set apart and are supposed to be set apart from this world. Look up to high heavenly things ( god) not world. Your set apart! Aside from this world.
Thy- your
Kerchief+ head covering for women, piece of fabric to cover woman's head!....
Wherein- in which.
Abode- house or residence.
Thee- you.
Wilt- will.
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