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 May 2015
Joelle McCook
The beauty of the ocean
Swallows up my sensibility
As I stare at vast nothingness
I am transported to the question of the horizon
Still undecided in the line of my emotions
I feel the different shades of my being
Smashed at this meeting point
Shoved into two boxes of air.
As the day dies sun to west slants
my hands water the few potted plants
an evening dawns in melancholic hush
pesters my mood the cawing corvus!

The nose in the air polished jackdaw
can’t fathom why men break nature’s law
wipe out forests root out the green
then on the roof try to grow seedling!

Why at all shrink the men so smart
stretches of wood to build habitat
all the clever brains profound and wise
destroy wastelands to madly urbanize!

The corvus his eyes speak of dark scare
frightened beak caws how is unfair
denuding of trees in insane haste
leaving scarce space to build him a nest!
 May 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Lilies in the long grass
wild with tigers, striped orange
under trees, cool canopied
buds of sun blossoming
pretty cats slumber
sleek they dream.

twitching whiskery
breathing slow
slinking low
as if to stalk
shock the sallow moon
hunt and growl
purr and prowl
animals whispering
stark the tiger lilies
 May 2015
Seán Mac Falls
Man has wheels,
Books and machines,
Birds have better means,
Sing as they fly.

Man has culture,
Laws and slight reason,
Beast lives for all season,
A life without lie.

Man has fashion,
Art, music, daze galore,
Flower is supreme colour,                                                              
Ferociously alive.
 May 2015
in the morning mist
whispered secrets
told a tale
of forgotten love
of a journey
not taken
and as
the symphony of the breeze
reached it's crescendo
remembered dreams
once again
danced in the dawn
 May 2015
martin challis
Wet winter on a beach
everything is grey

sky and wet sand

decorates the feet
of seagulls
hauling left-rights through the gusts

Seaweeds embellish the foam
Bobbing their heads
up now and again for rescue

Each rush of wind seals an escape from
sense and

In the maelstrom
I merge into obscurity
The sounds of my weakness unclear

Smooth nothing
black and white

not dangerous
not visible
not cloud mist or tears

MChallis © 2015
 May 2015
S R Mats
Walking alone day after day.  I am a regular.
The giraffes know.  The elephants remember.

The carousel and I go round and round, chasing;
Never catching anything or anyone.  You are gone.

The monkeys at the zoo could never be true to you,
They told me so.  I felt quite sad about it.
Ah, the mysteries of poetry, not always knowing where the fruitage came from.
 May 2015



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I did my best to
form a snowflake

 May 2015
Dance with dragons to your hearts delight

Let lanterns shine and fireworks pop all through your darkest night

But if you care for your precious pandas plight

Don't buy tiger bones, rhino horn, ivory

Dead elephants are not a pretty sight
 May 2015

My perfect sunset...
pastel skies in blushing
watercolor cloud lines,
woven of salmon quivers
and honeydew destinations
curved in mesmeric waves
along a fuchsia horizon
beckoning to me in
periwinkle whispers
upon harmonic echoes
of forever love...
*is you
You are so me
 May 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Gathering colors of day
sea of green viridian, washing storms of grey
seagulls cry in shades colored blue
how mad the ocean's raving tune
it sweeps away the end of day, a hopeful sun
to paint the sky of blackness
paleness of moon
rises, fades
beyond the sway
of silvery shades
night shimmers its way
into red and blue
where fiery clouds ignite
the day once more anew.
 May 2015
K Balachandran
Morning mist frames her face, the contrast, he couldn't miss
a wild flower  fresh, bathed in dew drops, she becomes fulfillment.
A bee, as usual seeking honey,without being aware what awaits,
sleeps in her  chamber,couched in her love the whole night,
he stole her heart, she whispers, he keeps it as the fragrance
and the pollen smeared all over his being vowing never to remove,
a love it is, in essence different from all that he has hitherto known,
as if in a dream, stealing her heart,  he flies up to the ultramarine sky
all abuzz with love tunes , orchestration of nature, intoxicating,
his heart is full of light love fills, now this bee is even ready to die.
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