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 Nov 2016
SE Reimer

over the edge of tomorrow lies,
either an uncertain surprise,
or more of what yesterday wrought;
but if one’s seeds are well sown,
either is a priceless flower...
a gift that cannot be bought!


*post script.

seeds sown wholly well sew the holes in one’s well.
Our souls
instinctively seem to know,
all too well,
all of the matters that our minds
fail to comprehend.

Our minds
often tend to get
somewhat overwhelmed,
by all of the things
that they struggle to understand.

Our souls
travel more than a few steps
ahead of us - they are guided
by our blessed intuition.

The insight
from our souls
  develop into gut instincts -
it is to these,
that we should surely listen.

By Lady R.F ©2016
almost lost,
into the
crystal-clear still waters,

at this tranquil spot,
she could sit,
and just be,
for hours upon hours.

of her fragile soul
blanket this lake
with its sparse creases,

these waters border
the forest - deep
into those woods,
her heart, it reaches.

As the lightest
tender breeze
stains the satin spread,
her slightly tainted soul
smiles - through her eyes
you can clearly see this.

With the mildest
most gentle breeze
her anxiety is carried
far, far away;
her restrained breaths
are freed - her anxiety
suddenly ceases.

Her soul's reflection
in the
crystal-clear still waters,
abruptly freezes,

the lake,
a satin finish,
the gentle breeze
is now gone -
her tender soul
is at ease,
her gentle heart,
this pleases.

This precious
peaceful moment
she seizes,

capturing it as a
mind, body, spirit,
and soul pleasing experience,
before her mirrored reflection

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Nov 2016
The Dedpoet
Autumn comes when my sadness
Arrived like a cold blanket
Of leaves,
The fleeting sun with short days
And rainy sessions of music
Too melancholic to feel
Any ray of sunshine.....

But I like my pain,
It holds firm to memories
That tie it all together,
The glow of a quarter moon
On my drowning lips speaking
The way I used to hold you,
The way you wore me like
A robe folding every curve
Around me:
How much the depths of my soul
Want to see you in a certain
Light, passing me even as air,
The pain with final skies
Which calls for anguish in a flowering
Darkness leaving me
Nostalgic and scattered,
I like my pain,
That is how I know it was real.
 Nov 2016
I have outlived suffering,
I have endured pain.
I have gently walked
thru fire and rain.
I have swallowed anger,
I have eaten sin.
I have bled
and lost what lies within.
I have surpassed doubt,
I have suppressed blame.
I have taken stock
of what remains.
I have absorbed sadness,
I have taken loss.
I have appraised the damage
and paid the cost.
I have been loveless,
I have been true.
I will never
be beaten by you.
For my demons.
 Nov 2016
Sally A Bayan a shames me,
my weaknesses, are on the surface
needing, rises this misty evening.
this cold, cold night, further emphasizes,
i need God...His Light and Shadow, to
reassure me, when gray, covers blue skies
my loved ones are my inspirations
they feed my need to write
yet, they have their own concerns...

i humbly accept.....i am not my own island...

there's this urge to race with gusty winds,
arrive fast, at my desired destination,
.......but, i am halted...always reminded...
...i listen to two soft voices within is guiding...the other, almost rebelling...
i feel the chill from this empty space next to me
i'm a mix of want........and fear....for,
i need you this moment of twilight,
...and each long night that i stay awake
floating, in this expanse of darkness...
my conflicted soul...sends out signals  of fear..
do my fears make me a craven coward?

the evening breeze makes its presence known
i weep in a hush, from thoughts of sailing...alone,
................ on life's lengthy moonlit bays........

..after enunciation
...of my true voice, my conscience
i could use some company, i need you now help me make it,
...................through this night of exile...


Copyright September 19, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Nov 2016
South by Southwest
The vitalis males in pink and yellow
hover over yesterday
in their penny loafers
Only ****** in action
certainly not in thought
Some would go to war to die
others became insurance salesmen or land developers
who would grow up and go
to casinos in Mississippi or New Jersey
Their perma pressed smiles
talked of football championships
that they loved almost as much
as deer hunting and certainly more
than their beauty Queen runner up wives
who took sleeping pills all to often
just before "goodnight"
Success was written on their foreheads
and in their wallets in plastic
Real manly words became gym talk
exposed like lashes on the backs of those who built this nation and raised our children
Talk is as cheap as Chinese steel that will be made in America again !
Ain't that gteat !
Men of wealth have a green gaited walk .
 Nov 2016
Joel M Frye
What truths I know
are neither quiet
nor clear.
I listen to
the dull and ignorant
when I too
tell my story.
Vain and bitter, yes;
for I have
a lifetime of
Late in life
my body calls me
to wholesome discipline
and gentility.
The universe unfolds
with and without
the full consent
of this particular child.
Peace with Spirit
will keep peace
with my soul.
In spite of
and because of
my best efforts...
it is still
a beautiful world.
I can choose
to be cheerful
and careful.
Strive to be
happiness follows.
"Desiderata" has been a guiding light for me for many years.  The times I've fumbled in the dark have been when shunning its light.
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
How do you measure
What can't be seen
The heart of a man
The in of between
The conscience that follows
When something's done wrong
How do you measure
The depth of a poem

How do you measure
The day you must face
If it's taken for granted
If it's given in grace
Or measure a seed
That has yet to show growth
How do you measure
What you do not know

How do you measure
The hour before late
The width of a shoulder
Where a tear is laid
The inkling of an idea
The moment it's made
How do you measure
Love before it's given away

How do you measure
The chill of the wind
The guilt of the pleasure
That comes from within
The sliver of light
Before the sun has it's say
How do you measure
The end of the day
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